Ryūichi Sakuma 佐久間 龍一, A Ryusei School student who previously became Another Faiz in 2003 through Ora's influence to revive his childhood friend Karin Yamabuki 山吹 カリン and prolong her life by extracting bio-energy from girls who share Karin's age and birthdate. By the time Sakuma attends AGHS, he lost the ability to become Another Faiz with Schwartz giving him the ability to become Another Fourze with use of the Core Switch. But Sakuma did not expect Karin to enlist the aid of Masato, leading to him facing Sougo with the Fourze Ridewatch in 2018 and Geiz with the Faiz Ridewatch in 2003. After being defeated in both timelines, he finally realized he was hurting Karin more than helping her and was forced to accept her death, though he also have to live the rest of his life with full knowledge of his sins. Thankfully, the defeat of his 2003 and 2011 selves also negates all the deaths and disappearances he had caused.
Another Fourze is based on Kamen Rider Fourze (Base States), he can absorb or supply bio-energy while using the switches on its belt to summon Energy Modules エネルギーモジュール based on the Astroswitch technology's Fourze Modules.
Another Faiz is based on Kamen Rider Faiz, this form was unveiled upon the destruction of Another Fourze, he is also able to absorb bioenergy. This was his original Another Rider form, one he managed to maintain up to 2018 where it was about to die out, only to emerge when his Another Fourze form was destroyed.