It's that time again, time to make the donuts. You can help your character of choice fatten up to enormous propartions by buying them donuts. it's something that first started here. This time around all 3 characters come from Macropod Madness. Lune is a half-skunk half-fox who works as a cupid. She's proud of her cupid tummy and is always eager to see how big it can grow. Orange is a kangaroo who just can't get enough sugar. She won't mind gainign weight as long as she gets plenty of donuts to eat. Lastly we have Aardman, an aardvark who always seems tro be starving. Once he starts eating he won't want to stop.
How to buy a donut for the character of your choice: Send a paypal payment at Be sure to include a note with the payment telling me who the donuts are for. You can split up the donuts between them in any combination you like. 1 donut is 50 cents, a dozen is 5$ and for 10$ you can buy all 3 characters a dozen donuts.
I will draw a new page of this series each day to show their weight gain progress. Payments will be counted until 8PM Eastern Time. Any payment made after 8 will be counted toward the next day's total. I'll try to get new pages in this series up by midnight-ish.
I know that many of you voted for Sapphire from Mythies to be here but I'm saving her for the next donut drive which will probably happen in a couple of months.