When ever Leo's adoptive mother is busy, her friend Rachael is available to keep an eye on him.
Leo enjoys the hyena's company as she's friendly, talkative and relate-able. In some way's she's just like a cool older cousin, a much older sister or an aunt. Heck, he sometimes refers to her as "aunt Rachael" which warms the hyenas heart. In some ways Leo's a rough childhood, with having hardly any family there for him, has made him desire a family of his own, if their blood related or not.
Rachael see's Leo as a little brother or nephew and it fills her with joy letting the cub snuggle up next to her. She fills content having someone so adorable to look after. Besides it gives her a break from her intense job as a training instructor and the harsh realities of the real world.
Here they both are settled down on the couch together, having been watching a film. Leo has dozed off and found that Rachael's arm and shoulder make a great pillow, all whilst the hyena woman watches him in awe.