Carrying off an old idea of alternate class ideas for Cyrus, I thought along the lines of "how would I reshape Cyrus into a protector/tank type class?" (Contrasting with the previous healer-type Firemender.)
Fireward would basically be a hybrid of a Pyromancer and a Paladin - taking on the role of a tank, while still offering versatile spellcasting. Interestingly, Firewards forego melee weaponry, instead focusing on using their pyromancy to attack enemies at range, deny ground, and still provide a considerable threat in close range. Heavy armor protects them from enemies who can close the distance, and a large shield will afford them the space and safety to continue casting in these these circumstances. Additionally, Firewards can specialize into minor firemending and fire-based support skills to buff and aid allies. Firewards greatly lack mobility and speed, and lack many options for fire immune and resistant enemies.