Decided to make a free icon template to those who want an icon by me but don't have the money or PayPal.
SO HERE'S A CUDDLY WUDDLY COOKIE ICON! There are many different varieties and I may be adding more species in the future, like reptiles and birds.
This is absolutely FREE to color. No need to ask!
-HOW TO USE- * Save the file to your computer * These are NOT MS Paint friendly! Sorry >.< * Open up in a program, preferably either Photoshop, GIMP (GIMP IS FREE to download!), or Sai * Make a new layer underneath the icon file's layer to color. * Make sure to save the file as a .gif if you want to use it as an icon * Don't know how to resize it? Go HERE, upload the image, and go to Image Size > Resize (Pixels), and enter in 100 by 100 and click the button and there you have it!
-Rules- * Free to color and edit * You can use it as your icon! * Feel free to turn it into whatever you want if your species is not here. * You are allowed to edit it (add clothes, accessories, scars, etc.) * DO NOT USE THESE AS YOUR OWN ICON COMMISSIONS! * You don't have to ask me if you can use it. Go ahead! * Make sure to credit me for the base and link back here or to my profile