"Dear StarClan, You're soaked, Snowpaw! What happened?" Honeypaw asked the petite she-cats.
"Frecklepaw threw me into a large puddle!" She snarled.
"You said you were hot, so I dragged you in to cool down! " Frecklepaw mews in protest.
"Where were Speckpelt and Willowtwist?" She asked the younger apprentices about their mentors.
"They were watching and testing us on our strength." Snowpaw huffs, shaking off the excess water droplets before trudging to her older kin.
Honeypaw rose a paw, trying to stifle her mrrows of amusement. "Did Frecklepaw get wet?" She asked.
"I got splashed and scolded by Willowtwist." Frecklepaw sighed, sitting on Honeypaw's left side.
"Bubblesong is speaking with Quailstar, Ashstripe and your mentors." A large dark grey tom with white markings along his face told the three apprentices.
"Thank you, Thrushmask." Snowpaw mews gratefully. The older she lies in between the two, purring as they coiled, hearing them complain about the water droplets splatting on their pelts. "They have to hurry, or we'll be drowning." Snowpaw meows grumpily, her eyes laying on Thrushmask.
"They're trying their best." Honeypaw spoke.
"Why are you staring at Thrushmask, Snowpaw?" Frecklepaw asked in her shrill voice.
Snowpaw jumped and swatted her sister's head. "I'm not!" She protested.