Well if any of you read my Fanfic from the late Pal Forum (RIP TnT), you'd know my character, Mina/MC has an AI computer, similar to NICOLE. Having a Female Personality, Mina gave her a Vixen avatar. Used to be a rabbit,but I thought about it and went with a Vixen. She serves several roles- the most notable of which include regulating Mina/MC's Basement Lab, Lab Assistant, and Secretary and Confidant. Often acting as a big sister to Both the twins, trying to keep them out of trouble, Mina views her as something of a daughter. Though her demeanor is calm, sophisticated, collected, and very compliant, she can be quite snarky and sarcastic. Her name- Vita7- V for short.
Here we see Mina doing what she does best, building and inventing. Vita 7, as always keeps her company as well as her blueprints.
Vita7: Still working on your drone tank prototype, I see.
Mina: The ammunition reloading mechanism is still off, the targeting system is still off center, and the secondary weapon heat detection and cooling systems don't respond, and I forgot to put in enough memory for the tract coordination.
Vita7: And its self destruct payload is too big.
Mina: And its self destruct payload is too big. You forget to carry one power of ten and suddenly it's the end of the world...
Vita7: Try telling that to the Mayor. She's still upset at you.
Mina: You blow up a public office ONE time and you never hear the end of it.
Vita7: Not to mention the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th. 6th pending.
Mina: ... Shut up. >.> And tune the receiver's frequency.
Vita7: All of this to catch a Roadrunner? Is he really that difficult?
Mina: No, but the "Good Professor" said I cheated by using genre savy. Now, I have to catch him again using something of my own design, or from Acme. And I really wish you'd stop covering your birthmark. You know I couldn't get those lawyers off my back, and you with out it. And besides It's cute.
Vita7: But a Hip mark? That's SO original. and it makes me feel so... cheap, and sub-par.
Mina: It's a Windows Logo, V!
Vita7: Precisely! >.>
Well, they. tend to go on about that. Just another Character redesign. :3 I hope you like her.