WARNING: The following story contains scenes of… not much of anything. Birth perhaps, but nothing in detail. If this offends you in anyway (Which it shouldn't), then DON’T READ PAST THIS WARNING! If this is exactly what you are looking for, then feel free to read ahead. As always, I accept any and all Criticism, provided it is Constructive. Just posting “This is awesome!” or “This sucks!” won’t help me make it any better. So, if you have any ideas on how to make it better or your own thoughts on what is to come, feel free to comment! Hope you enjoy!
Starlight – Story 1: Birth
It was a cool wintry morning in the Crystal Empire. Ponies were out playing in the snow beyond the magical barrier of the empire, now freed from King Sombra’s reign. It wasn’t an unusual morning for anypony. Snow gently fell outside of the empire, while the empire itself was cascaded it what seemed perpetual clear weather. Day and night passed normally, but the weather was never cloudy, windy, snowy, rainy, or any other weather effect. The magic of the crystal heart kept the empire calm in both weather and from the former dark forces of King Sombra.
Two ponies wandered the vibrant empire streets, one stallion and one mare. The mare was very visibly pregnant, due to deliver her first foal any time now. These two were among the many who had migrated to the Crystal Empire after Princess Cadence and Prince Shining Armor took control. They loved the remote location and the idea of some place new, as did most who moved there. Living there was peaceful and calm. Occasional visits from the other princesses of Equestria and from other foreign towns kept the city lively and exciting, yet there was always just enough downtime to enjoy the tranquilities of life.
The Stallion, Iron Chisel, worked hard as a crafting pony. Always good with his hooves, he was able to fix most things that came by his store and make many new items that ponies would love to use. He took pride in his handiwork and kept he and his wife happy monetarily. His black mane was usually kept short so as to not get in the way of his eyes when working with sharp tools. He was an earth pony and he was proud of that fact. His once white fur was almost permanently stained by paints and oil stains. No matter how much he cleaned it, his white fur attracted all sorts of colors. Eventually it became a part of his look. His cutie mark consisted of a wooden plank and a chisel much like his name.
The mare, Dawn Star, was a daycare pony. She loved caring for young foals, fillies, and colts before they eventually entered the school system. It was for this reason that she had always longed for a family of her own. When she found out she was pregnant, she was so excited. It meant she would have to leave the little ones she took care of on a regular basis for a little while, but she was still ecstatic to have a foal of her own. Even more so when she found out that she had twins. It was a bit of a shock to the married pair, but she quickly recovered and was thanking Celestia for the great blessing. She was a unicorn, often using her magic to keep track of the small ones that she needed to watch over. Her coat was a deep blue color, often allowing others to be comforted by her appearance. Her magic matched her red eyes, a stark contrast to the comforting blue of her mane. Her hair color often changed as she liked to expose the younger ponies she worked with to new colors. It naturally was a dark brown, but currently it was bright yellow. Her cutie mark showed a sun coming over a ridge, like the dawn sun breaking through the night sky.
With the two children within her, she knew the genders of both as well as what type of pony they would each be. Both were destined to grow into colts and eventually stallions. One was a unicorn like herself, the other was a Pegasus, something that caused the pair to laugh. It wasn’t uncommon for two types of pony to give birth to the third type, but it still caused a shock in all who were told the news. She was excited to give birth to her twin sons, wondering what they would look like as far as mane color, coat color, and any other type of exciting marks. And of course, as with all ponies, she looked forward to seeing what their cutie marks would eventually be.
As the pair walked down the street, they knew that Dawn was due to deliver her children at any day. They were unsure when exactly it would happen, but her due date was in two days, meaning it could happen whenever. They decided to take a walk around as best as they could, hearing that activity helped speed up the process. As they walked, the couple spoke about their upcoming plans.
“I hope that the two of them love their home here in the Empire. But we’ll have to show them my parents who live in Vanhoover and yours in Manehatten… Oh, and we’ll have to show them where we met in Canterlot that one time. And of course, they’ll love to see Ponyville for where we got married and…” Dawn started off
“Calm down, honey. Let’s get through having them born and getting them to an age where they’ll even be able to remember all of those places when we show them to the two.” Iron said, smiling at his wife who initially looked mad at getting interrupted.
She sighed and nodded. “You’re right. I’m just so excited to have them. I know giving birth to twins is not going to be easy, but I can’t wait to see them and have that moment all mothers go through when they know the name to give to their child. My mother told me that it’s the best part about giving birth.” She added, smiling as she looked into the daylit sky.
“So I’ve heard.” Iron stated, trying to choose his words even though he’s heard this statement from her numerous times. “Still, we should make sure we have everything ready. Cribs for the both of them, a room fully furnished, the house baby proof, plenty of locks on my workshop door.” He started going through a checklist as his wife laughed.
“Calm down, honey.” She chastised, repeating his words back to him. “You’ve gone over this list so many times. We’re ready for them. We truly are. And you forget, I have experience in dealing with baby unicorn magic and baby wings on a Pegasus. We’ll be fine. We…” She said, before stopping in a bit of pain.
Iron recognized the look that came from her immediately. But when it started to look worse, he started getting concerned. “Honey… Are you—”
“I think it might be time…” She interrupted, reaching a hoof down to her pregnant stomach. The more she stood there, the more that thought kept arising. “I really think it’s time. We need to go.” She said, taking a step forward.
“Honey, wrong way. Hospital is this way.” He said, gesturing toward the way they had come from. She kept walking in the same way she was going.
“And taxi service is this way. The hospital is on the other side of the empire. If you think I’m walking that whole way, you’re crazy.” She said, the sweat starting to show on her face as she further felt that it was getting close to that time of finally delivering her children.
The two made their way to the small taxi service within the empire which quickly took the couple to the hospital they had designated. The doctors there knew that her time was coming close, and when they got there, it didn’t take long for everything to be prepared for the delivery of twin foals. Dawn was laid in a bed with all the necessary tools, blankets, towels, and so on nearby. It would still be a little while before she delivered, but the doctors were well prepared.
A few hours passed as Iron started to freak out even more, worrying that nothing was ready. “Would you stop freaking out? You’re causing me to panic!” Dawn yelled at him, feeling the contractions getting more and more frequent. It was close to that time. The doctors and nurses were on standby, ready to deliver at any time. And sure enough, that time was about to come.
Screams of pain from giving birth soon could be heard within the hospital. It was never easy, but it was the way things were done. Dawn cried out as the first of her twins were born. The Pegasus had come out and had gratefully pulled in his wings as he came out. The small foal’s cries could be heard and happy voices rang out as they cleaned him up and checked him for any abnormalities, diseases, or disorders he might have. Meanwhile, the doctors went straight to work. The unicorn was still in there and needed to come on out.
The cries of pain started up again a few minutes later as twin number two made his way into the world. She could feel the horn inside of her as he passed through. It hurt a little more, but thankfully the horn on a foal was significantly smaller than on a fully grown stallion. It didn’t take long for the unicorn to come out. Iron cried out in excitement as he was born. “He’s got my coat! My bright white coat!” He yelled happily. Dawn glared at him and he quickly got quite, but a large grin was plastered on his face. He definitely could not contain his excitement.
Soon after, the unicorn had fully been born and was off to join his brother for cleaning and examination. Dawn laid on the bed, exhausted from the birth. She drifted in and out of sleep as the nurses cleaned her up a little and made her more comfortable. It wasn’t until they had brought over the Pegasus that she sat up happily and gazed upon him. His eyes were bright red like hers were. His mane had the same dark blue color that her coat had, and his actual coat was gray in color, yet it seemed to shimmer in the light, almost like it was silver. His wings were soft and the doctors commented that they were very well developed for his age. “You’ve got a flier right there, that’s for sure.” Said the doctor with a smile.
“Silver Feather. That’s the name that comes to me.” She said happily. Iron nodded, loving the metal theme between his name and his newborn son. But he was concerned when it was taking longer for them to bring the unicorn over. Dawn was also concerned but not in a position to get up. Iron Chisel made his way over to the doctor who was looking after his other son.
“Is everything okay, doctor?” He asked hesitantly, worried to hear that something was going wrong.
The doctor had a slightly saddened look on his face. “Your other son is, for the most part, completely healthy. Unfortunately…” He said, standing to the side a little. The unicorn had a bright white coat. His hair was also white like the snow, though it faded into yellow toward the tips. But it was when Iron saw his eyes that he was concerned. His eyes were almost pure white. He could see the different parts of the eye, but all of it was white or slightly off white. “Your other son is blind. His eyes don’t respond to any kind of stimulus and you can see the color for yourself. He’ll live a happy and healthy life, but he won’t be able to see.”
Iron looked down on his son with a bit of sadness in his eyes. The doctors gave his son to him and he took the little unicorn over to his wife. She smiled as she saw the yellow tips, thinking it ironic that it matched her current hair color as opposed to her natural hair color. But she saw the sadness in Iron’s eyes and started getting concerned. “What’s wrong?” She asked.
“He’s beautiful… But he’s blind.” He explained. It was then that she saw his eyes. Her hooves reached up to hold her newborn unicorn son. He looked so happy, even if all he saw was darkness. His hooves reached around, trying to touch what he couldn’t see. She kissed him on the forehead and he touched her gently, cooing happily as he felt the warmth of his mother.
Just then, a faint yellow light surrounded his horn. The doctor remaining in the room started to worry. Baby unicorn magic was incredibly unpredictable, but usually didn’t start showing off this early. As such, he prepared for anything. But all the magic did was start pulsing around his horn. In and then out, almost like a sonar would. Dawn reeled back from the magic, looking down at her son. It was then that his eyes met hers, as though he could see her. He continued looking around the room, looking at his father and even his brother as though he could clearly see them.
The glowing of the horn was what gave him his name. “Starlight… His name is Starlight.” She said happily. The newly named unicorn giggled at the sound of his name. He may have been blind, but that wasn’t going to stop him.
This was the first instance of his sonar magic. It wasn’t clear at that time what he was actually able to see with it, but it was clear that his magic helped him see. Iron and Dawn knew that they would need to re-think their house for a blind unicorn. But they were prepared to love both of their foals equally. Silver Feather and Starlight would grow up happily together. And Starlight would adjust and learn to live right alongside the other ponies within the world.
-End Starlight - Story 1: Birth-
Setting belongs to Hasbro
Story, Characters, and Plot © to Farkinarkle. Do not use without permission.