attack: +125
DEF: +30%
mp: +25%
a weapon forged with ancient tech and no one was able to use and weighs about 50 tons but when chooses a worthy wielder it's light weight, a fire elemental weapon and can cut through some things with a smooth clean burning cut such as metal, steel, wood, stone. the thrusters on it can make a swing faster and stronger, but in awakened mode it multiplies the users strength, durability, defense by 5 times but drains a bunch of energy of the user.
ability: firaja slash, machine killer, plant killer, man killer, dragon killer, beast killer, stone killer, firaja geyser, scorching oblivion
keyblade and kingdomhearts Copyright to square enix
6 years, 6 months ago
17 Sep 2018 08:41 CEST
Initial: 3127b568839dfb273e2924c1e9e71f53
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