// ==UserScript== // [at_iconname]name[/at_iconname] InkBunny New Submission Autocheck-on-open. // [at_iconname]namespace[/at_iconname] https://inkbunny.net/JustLurking // [at_iconname]description[/at_iconname] Causes submissions in InkBunny's new submissions view to open in a new tab/window by default and autochecks them so you can keep your place more easily. // [at_iconname]include[/at_iconname] https://inkbunny.net/submissionsviewall.php* // [at_iconname]version[/at_iconname] 1 // [at_iconname]grant[/at_iconname] none // ==/UserScript==
(() => {
if (!document.location.search.includes ("mode=unreadsubs")) return;
A UserScript for GreaseMonkey/TamperMonkey that causes submissions in InkBunny's new submissions view to open in a new tab/window by default and autochecks them so you can keep your place more easily.
This script is released under a CC0 license so you can make copies and modify them as you wish. That said, you're probably better off downloading the script than trying to copy it out of the page. Downloading preserves tabs and other whitespace.
Known Limitations/Bugs: · The anti-phishing measures in some browsers prevent scripts from acting on middle-clicks in some circumstances. Whether or not middle-click-following a link is visible to the script is up to your browser.
Users have to download the txt file because IB changed the @ into "at_iconname". However, nothing is happening for me. I thought that if I middle clicked an icon to open it in a new page it would mark it as checked, but that is not happening.
Users have to download the txt file because IB changed the @ into "at_iconname". However, nothing i