Some people may not be able to see all the images in this series due to one having 'death' and 'vore' tags. Nevertheless the image is in my opinion quite harmless (nothing gory or disturbing happens on it), so I recommend checking it out because it's important for the plot.
Those just noticing this series should also check out the related series that ran at the same time as this one:
Who her, the frog? That never happened. I intentionally hinted at something bad going to happen to the frog to mislead people a bit, and try to make the two series crossing over more surprising.
A butterfly goes get eaten, however.
Who her, the frog? That never happened. I intentionally hinted at something bad going to happen to t
Thanks a lot for these illustrations. I want to start draw comics, but the huge number of assignments at college really distract me. By the way, biology is really hard for me, so I often use help from source where experts are ready to make every paper perfect.
Thanks a lot for these illustrations. I want to start draw comics, but the huge number of assignment