Character Sheet for Solanna Du Soleil
Character Description
high class, first female born of the Sunlands, Solomon's Twin sister, she was married off as soon she was 13 years old. She was taken back, when her husband was killed mysteriously after her daughter was born, a daughter that was born with the Sun's royal crown, the first of the females to have that crown...
cruel while she live in the palace and spoiled rotten, whatever twisted her brother had infected her. but the moment she left she changed, she became sweeter, caring, loving and gentle. when she came back, after her husband's death with her daughter, she knew that something was wrong with the palace, and something was luking there... and it was after her daughter
like chocolate, strawberries, being pampered, her husband, her daughter, her father
dislikes spicy food, shadows, dark places
Sunland royal male are trained in magical element of Fire above the others, they can choose to to learn the others (which few refuse, preferring to learn other things)
females are left to learn on their own on their own time
which she has learn fire from her brothers
her father the Great Jourdu Du Soleil and mother is Soldia du Soleil
her twin and closest one she is to, Solomon crown prince
she has 24 other brothers/halfbrothers and 26 younger sisters
rumors of the first born, and Crowned royal was actually a Female unknown sister that their father had killed shortly after she was birth. Whether this is true or not, no one knows for sure, but Lady Soldia who never spoke of it
Elizaqwa is the world where magic is used, and everyone born with elemental powers (earth, fire, water, air) one usually stronger than the other depending on the day you are born. the lands are divided into "countries" The moon lands where is a bit more wild, the sun lands that are more advance and the Nolands in between them.
the Royal golden fur color
Floating crown of the female royal