So I got lucky and was able to purchase this beautiful character design from Cayleth. Now I don't normally do this and I probably won't ever do this again because of one reason...I guess it's one reason. I am Kira Redpaw, a nine tailed fox and well that's all I am. I don't shape shift or anything so making up other characters or owning others feels weird. However, I've always had a thing for yena's and wanted to get some art with one. Problem is there is not many Yena's around. So I quickly snatched this yena up.
Now, something else I should mention. This design is actually free for the taking. That is, to someone who has a deep connection to the design like they felt like this is there spirit animal or to that nature. So she is free of money as a cost if you can demonstrate a valid reason for you to have her. One other stipulation of getting this yena design is the agreement to getting some NSFW art collabs in the future. I actually have one already paid for and on the way by Luca.
So anyway, for now she belongs to me and her name is Riley.
Riley © Me
Picture © Cayleth
6 years, 6 months ago
30 Aug 2018 23:33 CEST
Initial: 0aa4e4dd8824b7385a3d198db61f9f05
Full Size: d7793c0b84ffe04d40ac46fb2232925c
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Small: 4ee715852c611abac6af809cb5bb8942
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