Eighth: Well Doctor, you were right.
Hyde: Of course I was. Yet like usual no one listens. They'd rather just be jealous of my genius then heed it.
Eighth: Elaborate.
Hyde: There was nothing especially wrong with the weaponry. I've had time to go over his schematics. It was a worst passable against an ordinary person. But Sen practically designed Faron into a perfect weakness spotting weapon to engage something on our level.
Eighth: Is that right.
Hyde: N-not that he'd win m'am. Our minds are far to sharp to fall for his tricks like Cole did.
Freya: I swear I just heard Cole stop grunting at you mentioning his name. Must be fond memories between you to.
Hyde: *scoof* Much like his meager intelligence, there were simply too many unavoidable flaws in the design. Now if he had used properly augmented subjects in addition to the weaponry-
Freya: You would be taking a majority of the credit right about now.
Hyde: If Mrs. Eighth saw fit to understand that it was my input that ultimately lead to success, who am I to argue?
Freya: There truly are no brighter beacons of humility than you Dr. Ena. Eighth, Tell me again how many enhanced creatures we have on par with his original work again.
Eighth: I believe he said 10 last time I inquired.
Freya: And how many of them possess the cognitive abilities beyond common feral beast?
Eighth: By my count, 1 and a half. Himself and his son clone thing.
Freya: Oh my that won't do. Can't have savage creatures in advanced technology running amok now can we Doctor. Perhaps we should acquire the assistance of your old intern. Bobert was it? I hear he remembers a lot more about the mutate research.
Eighth: Perhaps if I told him I fired Dr. Ena he'd be more open to leaving Rockwell's employ and join us.
Hyde: T-that wouldn't help. His memory only gets him so far. It's the fact that he has several pure Mutates that gives him an unfair advantage. Mrs. Eighth if you would just allow me just a bit of your D.N.A. I-
Eighth: You know I am not fond of saying no twice, Ena. Find another way.
Hyde: Well, along current projection I'm currently at most 10 years out from a perfected formula. That shouldn't be no time at all to us immortals.
Freya: Awww, it's so cute when new immortals think they have all the time in the world.
Eighth: I went back and saved you doctor because I approved of how far you would go for quick result. Was I mistaken?
Freya: Easy child, you'll break his genius. Come now, Ena. Surely you can think of a better solution.
Hyde: Hmmmm. I do recall a few other pure mutates escaping.There was another canine, a husky I think; we've been looking for him for some time now. If I could get my hands on him it would severely accelerate my time tables.
Freya: He's dead. Sacrificed his life for the sake of others. As did his wife.
Hyde: What, how would you... Magic.
Freya: Fear not, child. He bore a son. A day from now the dragon's spies will report to you with his location.
Hyde: How long have you-
Freya: I divined it about a week ago.
Hyde: Why didn't you tell me?!
Freya: I am head of Resource Management. Helping with research is your job.
Hyde: Then why tell us now? There's so much work that needs to be done. That subject was notoriously difficult to keep contained for some reason. We'll need various containment units. Multiwave scanners. Possibly anti-phases tech or... or... What was it he did again?
Freya: Seeing a future where you struggle isn't as fun as experiencing your frustration first hand, Doctor.
Meet the brains.
Floaty girl is Freya. Current Matriarch of Jill's family. I was watching a lot of voltron when I came up with her and I really like the idea of Haggar. She's in charge of the more mystical things in Eighth's life as well as eighth's closest friend and equal.
Also bringing back Doctor Hyde Ena. The bad doctor was put in charge of the research that held people like Eighth and Cole as test subjects. She stepped into the organization he worked for and eventually rose above him. Qhich he cobsiders a success on his part. He's survived through the decades through some self modding and genetic tampering. Mainly just to reach a point where he'd be strong enough to hurt Cole.
tibetan mastiff
tall female
6 years, 6 months ago
30 Aug 2018 13:04 CEST
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