"I Own Nothing"
Forgot to share these here when I finished them, but they're here now!
After the invasion of Soleanna, and the coronation of Sally as Queen, Antoine was releaved of duty temporarily for his wedding to his sweetheart, Bunnie. After the honeymoon they returned to be granted new titles, Ambassadors. For six years they've been traveling the world, building political relationships with other governments, signing treaties, and growing closer to each other. Antoine has also been keeping up with his training, and was gifted a new sword by his father after his fifth anniversary.
In the six years since the Extreme Gear GP, and the Meteortech incident, the Rogues have gone official and sponsered. The most fearsome team in the EGRC (That's Extreme Gear Racing Circuit) they rely heavily on misdirection to pull out wins for their sponsor, Breezie. Storm, in a sliming black uniform, his true strength is perfectly hidden and will hit you harder than a frieght train if you get to close. Wave, stuffs her suit with special gel bombs, giving her a weighty looking figure, but she's lighter than air when on her board. If you let her though, she'll pull the bombs out and send you straight back to your pit crew. Jet's suit make him look taller. That's all. His pride is too much for him to hide anything else.
After everyone went their seperate ways, Breezie jumped on the oppertunity, and put together a "Special Force" to battle Eggman, live for the viewing audience. What she did not expect was for them to capture something incredibly important to Eggman. The bot, Eggman Junior, was built to be a successor to Eggman should he perish. When brought to Breezie the question of if Robots can love was answered. After a few months, Breezie found herself returning his affections. Things went great for awhile, until Junior made a drastic decision. Downloading all his important data to a mechanical brain in a bubble, he instructed Breezie to destroy his old body so he could be put into a new and better body. Now Breezie has to deal with destroying the face she fell in love with. She's very conflicted.
Bunnie and Antoine's journies as ambassadors brought her into contact with several interesting people, including a group of individuals that had dedicated their lives to living free. Loving this take on life, Bunnie jumped on board. While this is awkward when conducting buisness, she's never been happier, and is fully supported by her husband. During a stay at home Bunnie convinced Rotor to give her limbs an upgrade (The convincing involved a lot of saying please over and over and over, some sushi, and promising he could put in a bigger gun).
Trapped on Moebius in the aftermath of Scourge's Final Defeat, Fiona was left with nothing once again. Clawing her way through the wreckage of Scourge's tower Fiona happened upon something powerful, deadly, and definatly not for her to be using; an Anarchy Beyrl, fused to an arcane staff. Upon picking it up, the power of the staff flowed through her, damaging her body, tearing away any ties to sanity she had left, and giving her the ability to fly. With this power at her disposal she began to take over the realm, preparing for her return home, and her revenge on Sonic the Hedgehog. Luckily she's alone in the goal and is opposed on all fronts, so it'll be awhile.
Manic: For six years without his older brother, Manic was forced to bear the brunt of his sisters jests about being taller. It drives him crazy, as she's not very good at them. Despite what Sonic said before he left, Manic focused more on forming a band with his friends than training for any attacks on him by anyone trying to get at Sonic through him.
Sonia: Sonia had a very productive six year training, though she had a driving goal beind all of it. Before they had left, Knuckles and Julie had promised that when they came back she could come and live with them, provided she be physically ready for it. She is now the strongest of the triplets, along with the tallest, as she's always been.
After Sonic and friends split up for six years, Mina decided to take a break from music to explore her own strange powers. Finding a mentor in a fugitive mage named Ebony, Mina began to hone her skills as a fighter and a singer. After returing from her quest, she decided to rebrand herself. Gone was the Punk edge, the black hair die, and the excess piercings. The new Mina returned to her natural hair color and became a pop sensation. Her fan base tripled and she's gone on a world tour.
After Knuckles left, Relic was left to explore parts of the Island he had not allowed her to view. While there she discovered so much, and wrote her entire thesis on it, graduating with highest honors, and becoming an Archeology expert on the C.A.R.A.M (Commitee for the Archival of Relics for the Advancment of Mobius) Board. Despite all her findings, she still cannot find Fixit's missing memory module, and it is the single greatest hunt she's prepared to take, no matter how much Knuckles tells her to drop it.
Shade was woken from her stasis shortly after the gang split up. Lost in a strage world, not knowing where she was in relation to where she was 8000 years ago, Shade only knew one thing, regret. Wanting to atone for her past misdeeds, after the words Knuckles left her with during their fight. In a stroke of Cosmic Luck Shade happened upon one person who could help her with that, Harvey Who. Taking her under his wing (Metaphorically of course), Who trained her, showed her how to be a hero, and helped her craft new weapons that didn't rely on her dark energy. While under his care, she became one of the people keeping Eggman at bay, and after a rough fight with Metal Knuckles, realized how much the real Knuckles meant to her. His words started her on this path, and by going through with it, she'd be able to face him again, hopefully as friends, and not enemies.
When Amy went away to train with the Order of M, Sticks was left to herself again. Having picked up a few things in the time she had spent with Amy, she went wandering around and found herself at the steps of the Guild of the Red Hand (A Magic guild run by outcasts from the Order, each holding a grudge against them). Taking in the naive girl they began to mold her, teaching her deadly spells and how to infiltrate strongholds. Little did they know that Sticks instincts had told her not to trust them, but to learn what they were teaching anyways, since it might come in handy. For Six Years she kept up this ruse, until finally she'd learned all she needed. Faking her own death and burial she clawed her way out of the grave and returned to where Amy lived, to await her dear friends return.
bunnie rabbot
fiona fox
mina mongoose
sticks the badger
wave the swallow
shade the echidna
jet the hawk
manic the hedgehog
sonia the hedgehog
antoine d'coolette
breezie the hedgehog
jungle badger
storm the albatross
relic the pika
egg jr
6 years, 6 months ago
29 Aug 2018 07:27 CEST
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