Originally this start out as another fanart based on the training scenes between these two in my Internal Combustion fic. However once I added the hammer I realised it would fit better as part of my How We Became Three series, since my next chapter is combat.
I will do a pre-fight scene and a post fight scene. I will probably post the fic inbetween.
Rest of the Series
Conflict: ArtFic Consummate: ArtFic Crush: Art (Part 1) Part 2Fic Combat: Art Part 1Fic Art Part 2 Claim & Compromise: Art ClaimCompromise Fic Part 1Part 2 Connection: Art Fic Conception: Art Fic Camouflage: Art Fic Contraction: Art Fic Content: Art Fic Complications: Art Fic Complete: Art Fic