I am opening simple commission for Character refs , nothing to big and nothing to expensive , simple and clean reff, at cheap prices, ( just some way to get some extra money)
10 for a simple front , back and side poses
if you want extra poses from the list it will cost +5 ( for each poses)
example you want the full 3 poses for nude and clothed that will cost 25. 10 for the original 3 and 5+5+5 for the nude/ clothed versions
( if it a NSFW version of the poses it will cost 1 more dollar or 2 depending on what you want to add)
any questions feel free to send me a note
6 years, 5 months ago
22 Aug 2018 21:34 CEST
Initial: a67e5b36645b7ac0a93be8d0fe1f6bd5
Full Size: 79aab7d06fa4eea7e48be44a81d44210
Large: 4a0256a3e86433efadef1b08ed32a97e
Small: a834d758b822298c219f6f835df74415
2 favorites