Here's a new photo of Me-you. It was taken Sunday, 19 August 2018. She's grown a bit since the first photos I took of her. She's into everything now that she's grown for the last month. She's into so much now that I believe I should have named her Trouble.
Thanks Ryu. She's definitely a handful for this 63 y.o. man. But, she's worth it to me since I love black cats. I've got two more of her to upload over the next two days so be on the look out for them.
Thanks Ryu. She's definitely a handful for this 63 y.o. man. But, she's worth it to me since I lov
She's every bit as cute in real as she is in this photo. I've got two more of her I need to upload over the next two days. So, be on the look out for them.
She's every bit as cute in real as she is in this photo. I've got two more of her I need to upload
She may be a Bombay but, I can't guarantee it. To me, she's just a solid black kitten (my favorite color for a cat) but, I thank you for your comment and compliment. She was found under an oak tree in my yard. Her mother was nowhere to be found so, I'm thinking that someone just threw her out hoping she would die. She's the fourth cat/kitten whose life I've saved in the last 13+ years.
She may be a Bombay but, I can't guarantee it. To me, she's just a solid black kitten (my favorite
Truer words were never spoken, uh, written. LOL. Believe me, Me-you most definitely gets into EVERYTHING! I put her on the floor and she goes after my adult cat like he's her size or smaller. LOL.
Truer words were never spoken, uh, written. LOL. Believe me, Me-you most definitely gets into EVER