One day after school, Ricky was charged with babysitting his younger sisters while their mother went to the store. Things were going well for the first hour. Ricky sat at the table and did his homework while the twins played in the adjacent room. After the first hour, the twins wanted to play with Ricky but he was still working on his homework. The girls didn't like that answer and asked him a few more times until Ricky snapped at them and told them no very sternly and accidentally used a curse word.
Sarah and Ava were not happy at what just happened and threatened to tall their mother when she got back home. This terrified Ricky because he knew that he would get paddled for sure if his mom found out that he cursed at his younger siblings. He begged the twins not to tell their mother and said that he would do anything. The girls thought about it for a moment and then decided that if he was to be spanked by them, then they wouldn't tell their mother.
Ricky thought he was getting off pretty easily and agreed to their terms. Sarah and Ava each grabbed one of Ricky's paws and lead him to the living room. The girls sat on the couch side by side and patted their laps. Ricky was about to hop up when he was stopped by the girls. They demanded that he pull his pants down for a bare bottom spanking. Ricky refused and the twins threatened to tell on him. Ricky reluctantly agreed and obeyed his sisters. He pulled his pants and underwear down and laid over their laps.
Sarah started spanking him first. Ricky was shocked that the slaps actually hurt. About a minute went by and it was starting to get uncomfortable. Just as it was getting bad the spanking stopped. Ricky sighed in relief as he started to get up. He was suddenly stopped and told that was only half of his punishment because Ava still had to go. Ricky whimpered but obeyed as he re-positioned himself near Ava.
The spanking from Ava hurt much more since it was compounded from Sarah's spanking. It got the the point where Ricky was squirming and tearing up. Finally the spanking ended and Ricky was relived. He was sniffling and rubbing his sore bottom as he was told that he could get up. He pulled his pants up and hugged his sisters. They said that they forgave him and sent him on his way. Not before a short trip to the corner though!