I received my Collector 2 days after the Release Date... Well... I've paid the high price for it...
What a crazy present o_o ! The box is HUGE o_0...
What it contained ?
- A poor artbook where official SEGA pics are shown ( already existing so NOTHING ORIGINAL AT ALL !!!! ) with 10 pages x3 ! Mockery... - A stupid ring made of Iron easy to reproduce... ( Seriously... ) - A Music CD with some musics of Sonic games... Useless for me... But always good to own... - The game for 360... that I didn't bother to open ( since I have the PC version ). - And... AWESOME FIGURINES 8D !!!! JOY of the DAY !!!
Those ones are not the usual ones I saw ! It's not like Sonic Colours fig, which was absoloutely AWFUL... SEGA made some efforts to make good figurines, at last ^^ !!!
Those figurines are pretty cool, though I don't see why you didn't just get the overpriced collector's box instead of two versions, one of which you will never play.
I figured I'd wait until there's a price drop and all the DLC comes out and is put on a special bundle deal or re-release disc or something before getting it; I'm not in any rush to buy a game at full price that I'll surely finish in an afternoon. So how is it, anyway?
Those figurines are pretty cool, though I don't see why you didn't just get the overpriced collecto