COOOOL. VERY nice, the black panther thing fits very well and that is a VERY well done chocobo, even more appreciate the fact it looks like in the style of Final Fantasy IX :D
COOOOL. VERY nice, the black panther thing fits very well and that is a VERY well done chocobo, eve
The lighting/shadeing is amazeing, The backgrounds not bad and yourv recreated the black mage perfectly also i dont know if it was intentional but the lack of pupils really adds to the dark wizard feel my only complant and it marely down to my owne personal taste is the staffs a bit to tackey looking. Never the less Probbly the most bad ass the black mage has looked in a while kidos to you tsaiwolf hope you draw more final fantasy stuff in the future :)
The lighting/shadeing is amazeing, The backgrounds not bad and yourv recreated the black mage perfec