Character Sheet for Epoch
Character Description
Epoch was a creation i made in the early 90s around the time the turtles was ending, but made while i was watching it and the mighty mouse reruns, Epoch was affected during the movie verse but i made him for the cartoons too. he actually lived with a kid on a farm, but visiting new york, he encountered our turtle heroes and occasionally (like the dork i was) helped them fight against the shredder, and was a huge fan of Donny.
His weapons were claws on his hands that could whip out like chains if released.
epoch when he was young had a personality similiar to Mikey but with Leos calmness at times, as he got older he kept the calmness and lost the craziness.
Pasta but likes the occational pizza.
Video Games.
He lived in the Turtle verse so, pretty much that there.