This pic was my very first attempt to draw ShadowTH22's Scooter ;P <3 I love him lots-- <3<3<3 ad I was there When she designed him.. ;D So~ I drew this pic.. Scooter is also Aeiro's other Best Friend and he Show's-- support for his friend by having a poster i guess on his wall.. xD i don't really know honestly.. but it did take some space in the paper-- Oh yeah~ Aeiro Looks a tad bit girly in here xD but whatever--- enjoy ;D
Aeiro doesn't look girly here. He looks awesome. OMG this is a REALLY sexy picture of Scooter. consider me his first fangirl ;D. GOD I just love this picture ;D. I can't stop staring at it >:D.
Aeiro doesn't look girly here. He looks awesome. OMG this is a REALLY sexy picture of Scooter. con
I still think he kind of does.. xP and thank you.. I thought it was pretty sexy too^^; and thanks for that too.. ;P I was happy about finishing this picture.. ;D-- way back when.. like in September.. xD
I still think he kind of does.. xP and thank you.. I thought it was pretty sexy too^^; and thanks fo