A guess I should give a bit of lore on this gal! Saress is a blood mage who pledged her allegiance to a Demon Lord named Gravis. Gravis, in turn, made her ability to wield blood magic much more powerful, but also laid a curse upon her. This curse causes her to crave blood. If she goes for a long period without drinking it, she'll suffer effects similar to a drug withdrawal. This will go on until she eventually flies into a blood hungry rage to consume any blood nearby.
She's not a vampire in the traditional sense, in that she can't walk in sunlight or can't stand being near a holy symbol. She just craves blood.
So yeah, in order to better fit her within the lore I made, I replaced the 2-liter bottle of Coca Cola with a a Phial full of blood. She both uses this for her magic and drinks from it (go figure). As to why her boobs are so big...why not?