Vayle is gone but his nether-dragon lingers? I also notice the golden bowl (altar?) in the back with a name on the base, what is that for? Fun to see the variety of ear-markings and different development stages of their vestigial wings. Vayle's parents embracing, his siblings (or other friends?) standing back respectfully while Chani mourns, a sad scene but beautifully illustrated!
Vayle is gone but his nether-dragon lingers? I also notice the golden bowl (altar?) in the back with
His nether is lingering for now, but is just about to pass (will make sense in next weeks page). Golden bowl holds the pieces of egg shell from when Vayle was born, like a parent's keepsake, it's a Badlands tradition so his father would have done it. The two young Venkats in the middle of the room are Allard and Corwin, Chani and Vayle's other friends.
Thanks, this page has taken the longest so far but I think I'm happy with it. Was hard getting the flow from 26, 27 and 28 right.
His nether is lingering for now, but is just about to pass (will make sense in next weeks page). Gol