Name: The Bowdlerizer Race: Earthworm Length: 5'6" Weight: 150lbs Origins: Unknown Power: Wormhole) "Digs" through anything made from earth/plant based materials, a portal appears then closes behind once all the way through. Shine Slime) Secretes a slime to slide, slip, stick, blind, burn or reflect depending on what is needed, making it very difficult to be hurt or gripped. Divide/Regenerate) Can regenerate itself quickly. Can make duplicates of itself w/ the same memories and everything but limited and lasts for "a single concert". The Earworm Shuffle) He sings/plays a short tune that can stun those that hear it from moving for a moment and "rearrange your tempo" to his desire. - EX: Against someone w/ superpowers, he could reverse or stop what they can do and make them normal or worse. Vibe Violator) Similar to "The Earworm Shuffle" but sends a powerful wave that makes physical things react. - EX: Walls crumble, glass breaks, bombs blowup, muscles spasm, disorient minds and more. Any thing bodily related lasts for about 15 minutes if not longer.