43 ->62 USD Semi-soft, Rough or Cel shaded with background 63-> 73USD soft shading with background Anything higher can be painted or experimental n stuffs if you want the Fufu to do something more unique.
Minimum -> max increases character/bg complexity in a given style. (Examples: simple character with complex backdrop, detailed character (patterns, multiple limbs, etc.) and simple bg and variations as such). Minimums are with simple/no backdrop.
Any species but please keep it female and adult/teen. Can be naughty or clean. Expressions can be modified, clothes can be added, etc. You may claim as many slots as you want. No bidding, only autobuys. Please comment with a budget and character ref attached!
Wouldn't let me edit so new reply Character:Why not Demonica, the wonderful raccoon girl I got from you in the first place?~
Style/Background: I'd like Semi-soft, background can be a simple one, thinking just a gothic bed (the kind with the roof over the bed and curtains) with some purple and black drapes. Something like this just not super complicated.
Character/Outfit: As for Demonica herself, I think the kinda upset/bored expression is already pretty fitting for her. I think naked on bottom with a nightgown up-top, sort of like this. No hole for proper fitting, just having her tail lifting up the back while it's draped over the rest of her. Of course, other idea I considered was letting you pick an outfit for her if you had something you had in mind for her to wear, since you did design her after all! You and your husband share my love of punk and metal styles, so I'm sure you guys can come up with something great for her if you'd prefer to do an outfit of your own design! (Plus her choker and ear-rings she already has, of course~)
Budget: $50, possibly up to $60 at most.
*Wouldn't let me edit so new reply* Character: Why not Demonica ( https://i.imgur.com/DUSoxqT.png )
Yeah any clothes are fine! If anything I could request a naked version and a clothed version of your choice, since you probably do the clothes on a separate layer anyways. I know I do at least, too tedious to make a mistake drawing clothes as the body and realize the shape is all wrong later lol.
Yeah any clothes are fine! If anything I could request a naked version and a clothed version of your