Character Sheet for Lola Coca Queso
Character Description
She's an adventurous food loving Spanish girl. She was more optimistic than Chloe and more cuokoo than Lana. She's very adventurous and brave. She's also loves food. She's mostly a fan of Euro Spanish comic strips. Her favorite music genre is Makina.
Adventurous, brave, courageous, friendly, cuckoo
Likes: Adventures, food, pro wrestling, pirates
Dislikes: Snakes, risks of getting fat
Born in Spain, her parents were eaten by a bull shark. She spends her years at an orphanage, until she escaped. She hangs out at the mall, where she met Chloe and her friends, and they formed a band. Lola lived with her friends ever since.
Her parents were eaten by a bull shark.
She has blackish-brown hair, tied in a ponytail.
She wears a Spanish flag printed dress, a pale rose neckerchief, and white go-go boots.