So i've been working on a lot of stuff on and off despite it not seeming like it. here is a big character lineup. one of many. i intend to categorize all of my characters by place in lore, factions... e.t.c... so we're starting off here with the survivors in the ruined wastelands of Barokar.
characters from left to right going by head position: Sal'fiu- The young historian (Fox) Geo- The Grumpy Riftborn (Skunk) Tecki- The casual mechanic (Squirrel) Xaze- The grizzled merc (Jackal) Caelus- The all-business angel (Human) Valkarie- The psycho ex-assassin (Mouse) Ziion- The Heroic Riftborn (Caracal.... currently) Winter- The sassy antisocial agent (Stoat) Sylas- The FABULOUS scientist (Goat) Stitches- The medical butcher (Rabbit) Maxis- The head of science (Gorilla) Jaesif- The head of the guard (Water Buffalo) Valnyx- The leader of the white guardian angels (Mouse)
and there's about 2-4 more missing but i just dont seem to get around to adding them so i might update that later.
i have about 9 more of these lineups to do at the very most... but this would be the biggest lineup i'd have to do regardless.