Stevonnie spending more and more time as, well…Stevonnie, meant some adjusting for some of their friends, especially once it was more well known who and what she was. More than a few who had swooned over the fusion at first felt a lot more awkward after finding out, Sadie among them.
She hadn’t been as weirded out as some of her friends…Well, just not in the same way. It was kind of weird to find her new friend is an old friend combined with a not as old friend, and even more-so when they were so…hot…
And it certainly didn’t help that Stevonnie was just as emotional as Steven was and wasn’t shy about showing it, always hugs and smiles, never taking Sadie’s unique stature into account, and always leaving the blond red-faced and dazed.
Once the bikini’s came out though, she was starting to get the idea maybe the fusion wasn’t as innocent as things seemed, and maybe Stevonnie was having fun with her.
But she wasn’t going to complain.
Commission from Rammers for their Steven Universe special month. I think this is fine with the AUP since no sex or genitals, but sorry if it isn't.