CowHammer is the story of a bovine knightess who must rescue her fiancé after he is kidnapped by an evil witch. During her journey, she will need to enlist allies, right wrongs and take decisions that will shape the outcome of her adventure. A seemingly classic light-hearted tale that takes a dark turn as the player progresses through it.
You may help the development of CowHammer by donating on Patreon. Although information and images of this game will be posted publicly, patrons supporting its creation will be rewarded based on their lifetime donations, including cameos and access to early versions and exclusive content.
King Carneor looks like he has not slept well in years! Heavy is the crown indeed. And doubly so if he cannot take it off. Huge is my favorite - there is just something simultanously funny and awe-inspiring about a Hulkobold. Marran is also a very good character design - it's rare to see pig demons.
King Carneor looks like he has not slept well in years! Heavy is the crown indeed. And doubly so if