This is what happens when you can't stop making love all day, every day. 😜 Well, the snow leopards seem to love the result. 😁 ________
Kalida started experimenting with textures (on top of experimenting with simpler shading which I mentioned previously), so this picture originally has a texture overlay, which I think puts the picture a bit too stylistically apart from the rest.
Fortunately, I have a PSD file. Unfortunately, it's borken — there's a weird color stripe in the shadow texture. It took me some time, but I managed to fix most of it. There's a difference from the original, but you won't notice it if you don't know it.
And thanks to PSD, I can share sketch and WIP versions. Sadly, this is the last PSD of all Kalida's commissions. Three of the later pictures are a bit kinky, so not everyone can enjoy them, and there's no way to create clean alt versions now. Oh well. ________
Multiple versions: 1. Result. 2. Result with shadow. 3. Result with shadow and texture. 4. Sketch. 5. Ink. 6. Flat colors.
It's lovely x3 Personally I adore when there is a pairing-couple of characters (involved in sexy stuff xp) and then you see they having offspring ! It's a full circle
It's lovely x3 Personally I adore when there is a pairing-couple of characters (involved in sexy stu