Here is Raman (the Reindeer with the camera) Sid (the Gorilla guy) and the fearless rail sliding Kaneda, who is Ramans cousin, on top of a crane, constructing an extension to the town mall.
Though how did this crazy scenario occur?
Kaneda has an unhealthy hobby of climbing up to high buildings back in his home town of Russia. Down in Marevally England, whilest visiting his cousin Raman, he has found the perfect location of a crane on top of a shopping centre, that he could climb and upload to his blog "hoofs on the roof."
So one night after persuading his cousin and Sid to join him, the trio set off and made their way via an unattended construction sight to the crane.
Raman and Sid wore safety harnesses, throughout their climb, however Kaneda astounded them by climbing unsupported and even went as far a sliding down the railing.
It was easy for Kaneda to get down from the building, but not as easy for Sid and Ramen. Oh they also have security to doge as well.......
OCs Sid Stonem, Raman Oak and Kaneda Petrov belong to me.