This is a piece i commissioned from Wyn-de-Weynilard during the Spanish Furrnion convention
She is a original character, co-protagonist of a fanfiction I wrote/still-writing only in Italian, based upon the science-fiction race (and book) "Quozl" by Alan Dean Foster. I am not particularly fond to the silly-cartoonish book cover (that also describe some biologically-impossible features), so I based the description directly from the book text, decribing such rabbit-like Alien species as more charming to human eyes, stressing a bit the slender-fit body features and martial-arts abilities.
I suggest fans of anthro characters to read the book (I would love to read more sci-fi novels with anthro alien races), the Quozl have some peculiar features like: * an (apparently) pacifist society * lack of smiling (showing teeth it is considered a sign of aggression) * an extremely high biologically-driven libido xD
The book feature also some very cool chapters with classic "young kids of different cultures meet in secret and became friends". A concept i personally adore.
I hope to finish my fanfic, that has more spy-story themes xd
Heya! yeah i remember of the seven-fingers but was made different to simplify life for artist xd Concerning the marsupial-pouch, i wondered about it, but in the end I opted out of it. I wanted more a general suit fitting (also i think could be reasonable to use different suits).
Another thing the art doesn't feature (being only from bust upward) its feet-legs. I would never commission a pic showing the "humanoid" goofy feets that honestly make little sense biologically-speaking (not to mention would be absolutely impractical for high-speed sprints how they are described capable of. I have made myself a couple of attempts of drawing like this: Or this one:
Heya! yeah i remember of the seven-fingers but was made different to simplify life for artist xd Con
Thank you!! I got slightly inspired from the style the artist did for a character of her years ago. And I imagined it adapted to this OC x3 (i think some liberties with specific details, see the above comment xd ) but quite satisfied with the overhall originality ^^
Thank you!! I got slightly inspired from the style the artist did for a character of her years ago.