Cyrillah looks at the landscape around her. In front of them is another long worn dirt road leading north flanked on either side by open plains. A steady convoy of carts and soldiers make their way along the path, the plodding of their boots and the creaking of the cartwheels echo as the sun burns bright overhead. Cyrillah looks over her shoulder behind her, seeing the Valsalian yinglet enclave in the distance with various furry colored dots running around sporadically. The boggy smell from the enclave and the dirt and sweat smell from the convoys mix together in the air, pricking at Cyrillah’s nose.
Cyrillah looks back up at Vacar with an even more confused look on her face, “I don’t get it, why did we stop?”
Vacar breathes in a lungful of the boggy air and lets out a deep sigh, “This is where you and I go our separate paths”
Cyrillah’s pupils widen, “But…but why? Where are you going? Where am I going?”
“Isn’t it obvious Cyrill?” says Vacar keeping a neutral look
“No!?” says Cyrillah frustrated and stomping a foot before crossing her arms
“I am continuing up north, alone” said Vacar matter-of-factly Cyrillah darts her eyes over Vacar, lowering her arms by her side, “And why can’t I come wizh you? You’re just going to ditch me here? After all zhe time we’ve spent togezher? Just like zhat? Like I am nozhing.”
Vacar pinches his brow, “It’s not like that Cyrill”
Cyrillah throws her arms up in frustration, “Zhen tell me! Oh great and masterful teacher, why are you abandoning me?”
“I am not abandoning you!” Vacar snaps before returning to a calm state, “Sorry Cyrill……there’s a war brewing up north.”
“So?” says Cyrillah unconvinced, “Doesn’t mean you have to drop everyzhing and go”
Vacar drops his arms by his sides, “No Cyrill, I do. There’s a lot promises I have to keep……and a lot of loved ones I want to see safe through this travesty”
Cyrillah relaxes, “Loved ones? You never mentioned anyzhing before?”
“Being a merc I tend to keep quiet about them.” Said Vacar
“How many?” said Cyrillah quietly, beginning to feel bad for her earlier outburst
“A lot. Family, friends, ex lovers, all smack dab in the middle of this brewing storm. And Ill be damned if I lose a single one over some stupid territory dispute” said Vacar smacking his fist into his hand
“But….why can’t I come?” says Cyrillah twiddling her fingers
“You’ll be eaten alive” says Vacar with a stone-like stare
“Wh-…..zhen what was all zhat talk about strong-will and tenacity and-“ stutters Cyrillah
Vacar gets down on one knee and puts a hand on Cyrillah’s shoulder, “Its not that I don’t think your capable Cyrill. The wars of men are brutal, chaotic, and senseless. Everything I taught you is important but I don’t want to see you get hurt over the stupid wars of trademasters and politicians. I might lose some family in this fight and I don’t want to lose you as well”
A moment of silence passes as Cyrillah’s ears droop and her eyes look off to the side, “Zhat’s why you spent all your money on me. You don’t zhink your coming back, do you?”
A look of surprise comes over Vacar’s face before giving a mournful look, “I….I don’t know Cyrill” Cyrillah moves forward and wraps her arms around Vacar’s waist, “Please don’t get yourself killed Vacar….please”
Vacar reaches a hand down to ruffle the yinglet’s short head of hair, “You know I can’t promise you that Cyrill”
“I know” Cyrillah whimpers through a couple wet sniffles before letting go of Vacar and wiping her nose with her arm.
Another moment of silence passes as the two just stare at each other. The cry of a yinglet falling into a hole breaks the stillness in the air.
“But if your going norzh zhen where am I going? I left everyzhing behind to follow you” said Cyrillah
“Once again, isn’t it obvious?” said Vacar nodding behind Cyrillah
Cyrillah turns around, facing the large Valsalian enclave in the distance. A couple yards out a white yinglet can be seen struggling to get out of a small hole.
“And here I zhought I was a real soldier, zhat I’d be able to fight wizh zhe humans and now you want to drop me off at zhe enclave to become just anozher egglayer.” Cryillah said with venom
“Your not looking at the big picture Cyrill, you’re blinding yourself” said Vacar walking up beside Cyrillah
“And how exactly am I doing zhat? What more could I do amongst zhem zhen pop out younglings?” snapped Cyrillah
“You could be their head soldier, maybe even a patriarch. Valsalia is the hotbed for yinglets and one of its most important enclaves couldn’t even fight back against an attack let alone a light breeze. They’re a sitting ducks and they don’t even know it. Go to them, teach them, be their savior, hold them up and make them an enclave to envy.” Said Vacar
Cyrillah looked over the enclave with new eyes, “Yes but how am I going to do zhat while being a female?”
“This is an easy one Cyrill, do what you’ve always done. Keep it a secret. If anyone digs further tell them to fuck off. You’re the one with the knowledge and power. You’re the one in the position to make calls. I don’t think they’d dare lose their best soldier over rumors or accusations.” Said Vacar with a grin
Cyrillah sighs, “Yes, but why would I do any of zhis?
“You want to be a hero Cyrill and first you have to start low. Be a hero to your own people. Help them help themselves” said Vacar
Cyrillah sighs again before taking in a long breath of air, “Ok, your right. I’ll do it”
Vacar gets down on a knee and puts a hand on Cyrillah’s shoulder, “Your making the right call. Here, I have a little gift for you before I go”
Cyrillah turns to face Vacar as he pulls something from his bag. It’s a sheathed knife about a quarter of the size of her long dagger with a custom leather belt to wear it. The bone handle is engraved with mythical creatures from many different tales Cyrillah is unfamiliar with. Both the sheath and handle looked worn but well upkept and sturdy just like her long dagger. Cyrillah takes the knife from Vacar’s hand and ties the belt off around her waist, leaving the blade to dangle by her side.
“I’ve had it for years, don’t use it as much as I used to so I just thought you’d make better work of it than I ever could. Plus, it’ll be a little something to remember me by.” Said Vacar smiling at Cyrillah
Cyrillah pulls the blade from the sheath and makes a couple quick swipes through the air with the razor sharp blade before resheathing it and looking bug eyed at Vacar.
“You’ve given me all zhese gifts and I haven’t given you anyzhing” said Cyrillah
“None needed, its more important to me that you’re well equipped.” Said Vacar holding a palm up
Cyrillah scratches her chin for a second before coming to an idea. The yinglet grabs onto her now fairly elongated shell tooth and pulls it free with a quick yank. Cyrillah places the tooth into Vacar’s open palm. Vacar gives out a slight chuckle as he places the large tooth into one of his pockets before leaning down and embracing Cyrillah in a hug.
“I’ll keep it forever at my side, my little soldier” says Vacar giving Cyrillah squeeze
“Heh, zhanks Vacar……….say…do you zhink we’ll ever see each ozher again?” said Cyrillah
“….I don’t know” says Vacar somberly before releasing Cyrillah from the hug and standing back up
“Oh….” Says Cyrillah rubbing her arm
Vacar looks at the downcast yinglet, “I promise you Cyrillah, when this war is over I’ll come find you and check up on you. It may be months it may even be years. But I’ll make my way back here. One way or another”
Cyrillah looks up at Vacar, “You promise?”
“I promise” Vacar says placing a hand over his heart
Cyrillah runs up and hugs Vacar’s leg, “Zhank you Vacar….stay safe….please”
Vacar chuckles and pats Cyrillah on the back, “You too Cyrill”
Cyrillah releases the hug as Vacar turns back towards the convoy going north. He starts to make he way over to the dirt road before hoping on the back of a cart facing Cyrillah. The yinglet waves at the rapidly disappearing figure as it signals back a thumbs up before cresting the horizon and fading from Cyrillah’s view forever. The yinglet just stands there for a while, watching the convoy continuously flow like a line of marching ants. The yinglet turns her back on the convoy to face the Valsalian enclave in the south. She walks for a while before coming along the yinglet still struggling to get out from a small hole. Cyrillah bends down and helps the little white yinglet climb out. The yinglet seems over joyed by Cyrillah’s help and astounded by all of her pretty gear. Cyrillah continues her trek towards the enclave’s Great Hall as the little white yinglet talks a million miles a second, following her. The little yinglet eventually gets distracted and wanders off from Cyrillah’s lack of response. Cyrillah walks up to the front door of the Great Hall, manned by two yinglets, one tan in color and the other black. Both of the yinglets look her up and down; equally surprised and confused by the amount of gear and armor she sports.
Cyrillah takes in a deep breathe of the boggy air and lets it flow calmly out her nose, “I am here to talk to zhe Matriarch”