i like this one. relaxing but with a jig i could dance do, you know what i mean. =3. Its nice to hear something besides techno...i mean i LOVE techno but i also LOVE most kinds of music as long as its good a good beat and good variation that the beat backs up.
i like this one. relaxing but with a jig i could dance do, you know what i mean. =3. Its nice to hea
yea i know. but some of my friends make techno music and i will NOT put names down but they pride themselves in it and they are not as good as they clam. Its generic beat with no real rythm XP. no change up. To be honest, im not much a fan of rap with out a good beat and sometimes Techno can give it its beat or a nice guitar. I Favorited you piece called "Dangerous" i believe with Ringo Starr and Paul Macartny, backstreet boys and i think one other. I liked that one too =3
yea i know. but some of my friends make techno music and i will NOT put names down but they pride th
Thanks. I don't wanna be a tekno mixer. I make all my mixes at home. And I always use the same program, even tho there's better programs out there. Over 1,000 mixes made in 5 years. Not bad, eh? ^^
Thanks. I don't wanna be a tekno mixer. I make all my mixes at home. And I always use the same progr