is one of those artists that no matter what he does, or how fast he does it, it turns out really cute x3
He was so kind to make this extra sketch for me as an example of how Salmy would be in his style before he did the first comission I asked him for, which I'll post in just a few days ^^
Don't you feel like just kidnapping him and taking him home? :D
Well, yep, he is! xD Sometimes I ask for younger versions of him, though, but that's his usual age. Then, different artists got different styles, and even though he's 16, Salmy is cute as a button. In that way, Paco made a terrific job at portraying him ^^
Well, yep, he is! xD Sometimes I ask for younger versions of him, though, but that's his usual age.
jajaja tu tienes mucho amor propio XD pero bueno, eso es algo que tu piensas y que no puede ser tan malo.... todos los de nuestra edad somos inocentes, no? ;D Si es que me mola el dibu, es bueno ^^
jajaja tu tienes mucho amor propio XD pero bueno, eso es algo que tu piensas y que no puede s
awrrr lo vuelvo a ver y ya no me gusta tanto :( además me faltó dibujarte tu cola, igual te podría dibujar de nuevo como sketch gratuito n__n pero ahora que este mas desocupado D: que me falta por entregar muchisimas cosas del trabajo, no solo comisiones
awrrr lo vuelvo a ver y ya no me gusta tanto :( además me faltó dibujarte tu cola, igual te podría
Los artistas sois siempre muy criticos con vuestro arte, sobre todo si ya tiene un tiempo ^^ Pero en serio, me encanta, dan unas ganas tremendas de abrazarlo, tenga o no cola xD Y tener otro dibujo tuyo seria una pasada, Paco, pero sin prisa! Faltaria mas! xD De momento ya disfruto mucho con todo lo que subes, y seguramente en el futuro tambien te comisionare mas ^^
Los artistas sois siempre muy criticos con vuestro arte, sobre todo si ya tiene un tiempo ^^ Pero en
Lol, using my drawing's comments for work matters? xD If you built them from scratch, sure ^^ If they're paintings or minor modifications of pre-made or commercial models I'm afraid not ^^;
Lol, using my drawing's comments for work matters? xD If you built them from scratch, sure ^^ If the
Aww this is a cute sketch! Pandapaco did a good job though! But instead of kidnapping him I would ask him to come to my house and we could have some fun!
Aww this is a cute sketch! Pandapaco did a good job though! But instead of kidnapping him I would as