The leaders of these 13 powerful families, ( 1.Astor 2.Bundy 3.Collins 4.DuPonts 5.Freeman 6.Kennedys (excluding JFK, JFK jr. and Bobby because they rebelled against the 13 bloodlines.) 7.Li 8.Onassis 9.Rockefeller 10.Rothschild 11.Russell 12.Van Duyn 13.Merovingian ) Must be indicted in order to truly destroy Fascism. They created the Nazis in the first place. These corrupt bloodlines are also responsible for what is going on now with our government and current president as well as the CDC, WOW and the Chinese Communist Party’s involvement with the virus known as Covid-19. Covid-19 is indeed a bio weapon, but one that was never supposed to be accidentally released in China in the first place. The truth about Covid-19 is now finally being looked into and Biden is be forced to have this issue looked into. Only a fool would protect the CCP’s lies. We also need to protect our nations true history and pop culture from being rewritten by the threat of Marxism and cancel culture. They almost killed off Star Wars and have damaged many other franchises in their wake. We must also defend Furry Fandom as well because cancel culture plans to corrupt that as well.
The leaders of these 13 powerful families, ( 1.Astor 2.Bundy 3.Collins 4.DuPonts 5.Freeman 6.Ken