A tattoo design of an Ouroboros for alice-the-sable. This will likely be subjected to edits but I'm getting this up here now while I'm thinking of it!
The Ouroboros is used as a symbol for many things but is mostly a "circle of life" type thing. Traditionally it tends to be either a snake or snake-like dragon biting, or even eatings, its own tail. This particular design is supposed to be of a stylized snake-like dragon, sort of a mixture of the best of both worlds. Man imagine this thing all laid out straight before shooting down a hill after you.. I love reptiles but low-slung beasts are fucking terrifying to think about sometimes LMAO.
My third snake, Boo, a columbian boa, once went all Ouroboros on me. Was v. sad ;A; still crazy to think about how she looked, however.
This was a design for the novels by E.R.R. Eddison. THE WORM OUROBOROS MISTRESS OF MISTRESSES A FISH DINNER IN MEMISON THE MEZENTIAN GATE (novel incomplete at Eddison's death. Most chapters are in synopsis form, and one is just a title.)
The first novel is a heroic adventure saga. The following books are political intrigue set in a world that is like Renaissance England. Hard to follow.
This was a design for the novels by E.R.R. Eddison. THE WORM OUROBOROS MISTRESS OF MISTRESSES A FISH