My friend Aussie and me. He and I share an interest in micro/macro themed art, though we both agree that kind interactions between the two are far more interesting than seeing someone Godzilla a city. When he offered to get a little something done for us, I was thrilled to say the least. So here's a little Aussie perched cutely in Megan's hands and, to coin a phrase, the beginning of a beautiful friendship.
And yes, because I know someone is going to point it out, this is the first time Megan has been friends with someone shorter than she is!
Art belongs to the wonderfully talented iko Her post: Pending
I know! It's a beautiful little picture and Iko did such a wonderful job with capturing just the right emotion and sense of tenderness. I just want to hug them both!
I know! It's a beautiful little picture and Iko did such a wonderful job with capturing just the rig