The two young next gen racers are still kissing. Cruz is first shocked by the overwhelming kiss. It's her first kiss. And it's from Jackson Storm. Her race rival but also her crush. The racer, who told her mean words at the Florida 500 race, rammed her against the wall and hurt her right fender badly. But she forgave him. Cruz relaxes a little, closes her eyes and enjoys the kiss. She melts like wax of a candle.
Storm: *pulls back, sees that her eyes still closed and smirks* Costume girl?
Cruz: *quietly mumbles still in her dream day* Jackie, please, don't stop. Kiss me again.
Storm: *hears that and chuckles* How I can see, you liked it.
Cruz: *shakes the hood and snaps herself out off her daydream* What? Oh, no. I mean yes! *gets nervous* Maybe.
Storm: *raises an eyebrow* It was your first kiss, right?
Cruz: *rolls embarrassed with her left tire* Maybe.
Storm: *gives her a blank expression* It was your first kiss.
The female yellow racer car looks blushed away.
Storm: *is proud of himself* Well, then you have something to remember, that I was the first male, who touch your lips. Who knows, maybe we will become a couple. I wonder why such a beautiful race car doesn't have a lover.
Cruz: *looks sad at the ground* When I worked as a trainer, I had an admirer. But he just took advantage of me.
Storm: *looks confused* What do you mean?
Cruz: *sighs sadly and tells the story with a flashback* His name was Aaron Clocker.
Storm: *knows the racer but asks* You mean the number 48?
Cruz: Yes. He came as rookie to the Rust-eze Racing Center and Mr. Sterling introduced him to me. First he was very mean to me and demanded that I only train him. I denied it and replied that I would train all rookies equally equitable. And then he came up with the idea of tricking me. First he gave me flowers, expensive gifts, seductive words. And so he was in my head. I trained him more than the others and spent more training hours with him. When he was done and passed the race test, he told me before leaving the company...
Aaron: *in flashback vision looks arrogant at her* If a male ever falls in love with you, then I'll hang my career on the needle. *leaves the company and Cruz with a broken heart*
Cruz: *looks at Jackson with a half smile* I'm afraid of to be hurt again.
Jackson looks a little depressed, because that is exactly the same what he is doing now. He knows he is sometimes a jerk and will do everything to get what he wants. Something changes his mind. He doesn't want to hurt this yellow race car. He wants to protect her.
Cruz: Jackson?
Storm looks at her.
Cruz: *smiles* I'm only making our deal because I really like you and don't want you to think badly about Radiator Springs. Likewise, I want you to stay longer.
Storm: *sighs and growls quietly* Forget it!
Cruz: *confused* What?
Storm: *looks at her serious* Forget the deal! It's stupid.
Cruz: *looks impressed at him* Really?
Storm: We are adult, young racer and behave us like children. I think that our deal is stupid. If we really fall in love, then with the heart. *moves closer to her* Do you think so, too?
Cruz: *smiles* If you think so, then me too.
The two young racers look at each other, until they hear a voice.
Sally: *calls* Cruz? Come here, please.
Cruz: Just a minute, Sally. *smiles at Jackson* I'm sorry, but I have to leave now. I have to help Sally with the costumers.
Storm: *sighs but understands* No Problem. *rolls closer to her*
Cruz: *gets nervous* What are you... Mmmmh… *gets a quick kiss from him, and she melt* ...doing?
Storm: *chuckles* See you later, costume girl. *rolls backward, enters his cone room and rolls the door down*
Cruz: *sighs still day dreaming* He is so incredible. *hears Sally calls her again and shakes her hood* I'm coming. I'm coming. *drives to the hotel reception*
In Jackson's cone room...
Storm: *calls Ray* Ray? Do you hear me?
Ray: *appears on the black plasma monitor* Hey, stormy-boy! What's up? You look so depressed. How is your mission doing?
Storm: *sighs* I can't do it, Ray.
Ray: *confused* Why? It's because of McQueen? Is he in your way?
Storm: No, it's not him. It's the past of Cruz.
Ray: *makes a long pause before he answers* Let me guess. Her heart has been broken before.
Storm: *takes this in, impressed* How'd you know that?
Ray: *smiles* A wise car sees one problem and understands two. That, and your sad face expression told me everything.
Storm: *rolls the eyes* Ray, her past repeats itself. I don't want to be like this guy, who broke her heart.
Ray: Who was it?
Storm: *tries to remember the name* I think his name was Aaron. Aaron Clocker.
Ray: The number 48? Really? This guy?
Storm: Yes, it's him. He had use her and left her heartbroken. If I will do the same, and she finds it out, then I don't know what she will do to herself.
Ray: *gives him a sly look* You like her, aren't you?
Storm: *sighs and looks away* I don't know, Ray.
Ray: *smirks* But I know it, Jackson. I think you're falling for her. Jackson Storm and Cruz Ramirez! A treat for the reporters. All your ex lover will rip out their tires with envy. Which number is Ramirez? The 11th? The 12th? I just asking because I don't know how many girls you had.
Storm: *growls and gets angry* That's it! I will call you, when you grown up.
Ray: Wait, Jackson! Let me...
Storm: Over! *turn the monitor off and sighs sadly* Oh, what's the matter with me? *stamps with the left tire and looks at the portraits of his ex lovers which stand in his room* You'd think a guy like me would learn. *rolls to his Piston Cup trophies and begins to sing*
If there was a prize for stupidity
I guess I've already won that *hits a trophy on the ground*
No woman is worth the aggravation *rolls to a pink girl on the portrait*
That's ancient history, women drive me crazy!
Pink girl: *becomes alive on the portrait and sings*
Who'd' ya think you're kiddin'
She's the earth and heaven to you
Try to keep it hidden
Honey, I can see right through you
Babe, ya can't conceal it
I know how ya feel and
Who you're thinking of
Storm: *turns away from her and looks at the other three girls*
No chance, no way
I won't say it, no, no
Red/ grey/ white girl: *becomes alive too and sing*
You swoon, you sigh
why deny it, uh-oh
Storm: *rolls the eyes*
It's too cliche
I won't say I'm in love
Pink/ red/ grey/ white girl look at each other and sighs hopeless.
Storm: *continues to roll to another yellow girl, which looks like Cruz*
I broke so many hearts
And I had regretted it bitterly
My head is screaming get a grip, boy
Unless you're dying to cry your heart out
Yellow girl: *yells at him*
You keep on denying
Who you are and how you're feeling
Babe, the feeling is really awesome
Hon, there is only one for you
Face it like a grown-up
Don't fax now, boy
Say, say, say yes!
Storm: *growls and looks away*
No chance, no way
I won't say it, no, no
Pink/ red/ grey/ white girl: *sing*
Give up, give in
Check the smile you're in love
Storm: *looks at them*
This scene won't play,
I won't say I'm in love
Pink girl: *rolls the eyes*
You're lying, read our lips
You're in love
Storm: *looks serous at her*
You're way off base
I won't say it
Pink/ red/ grey/ white girl: *sight*
He won't say it, no!
Get off my case
I won't say it
Yellow girls: *smiles at him*
Boy, don't be proud
It's O.K. you're in love
At least out loud
I would say I'm in loooooooooooove... *smiles, closes his eyes and falls asleep, dreaming of Cruz*
All girls:
Shoo-doo, shoo-doo, shoo-doo
Haaaaaaaaa... *sigh and get in their old portrait position*