That is perhaps the rarest of the Six ships. Could "Rarity" ever be as fun to say as "pickle barrel" or "kumquat" undeniably are? "Marshmallow" probably could be.
That is perhaps the rarest of the Six ships. Could "Rarity" ever be as fun to say as "pickle barrel
Really? A couple of bakers who grew up on farms and who have never shown the slightest bit of interest in the opposite sex before make up the least common ship? That surprises me. I mean, Pinkie Pie is difficult to ship in any case just because she is so... Daffy Duck-like I guess, but if I were to pair her with any of the others Applejack would top the list. Twilight and Rarity are too orderly and responsible for Pinkie Pie. Fluttershy could not deal with her constant hyperactivity. Rainbow Dash may work, but the pair has little in common apart from being rather childlike. Applejack, however, has an entire set of experiences in common with Pinkie Pie, and she has the energy and patience to keep up with her. Even the name of the ship is perfect. "ApplePie?" That's golden. Now I want to find some ApplePie.
Really? A couple of bakers who grew up on farms and who have never shown the slightest bit of inter
I guess it's all because both Ponks and AJ don't have too much of a conflict beetwen them. I mean, people mostly fall for this stupid "opposites attract" trope and go with mainstream ships such as RariJack, TwiDash, FlutterDash and etc. You can notice ships like RariLight, TwiJack, RariShy, AppleShy aren't too popular since, again, I barely remember any characters such as Rarity and Twilight having a heated argument like the ones between Rarity and AJ. Twi and Rar do have differences in their interests and personalities but it appears people find ship interesting when characters are oh so different. And maybe it's because Ponks, like you said, isn't too easy to be shipped, but imo the difference between her and Rarity works not too bad. I like their dynamic personally. Same with Twinkie. Anyway, ApplePie still makes much more sense than most of the popular ships in this fandom, so yeah, I kind of have a soft spot for it and I'm actually happy to see any new content for it, because too tired of popular ships *sigh*
I guess it's all because both Ponks and AJ don't have too much of a conflict beetwen them. I mean, p
I don't know if you go for fan stories or not, but in that particular creative medium RariLight has become wildly popular in the last year or so for some reason. What's weird is that it does not seem to have anything in particular to do with anything that happened on the show (not that I would know) the way that FlutterDash and RariJack did. If you ever find yourself in the mood to read a silly story about the romantic exploits of Twilight Sparkle and Rarity, guys are pumping them out like mad.
What angle do you take with the RariPie ship? Does it revolve around their mutual status as social butterflies? Perhaps their shared fondness for ice cream provides an avenue to bond. Is it a mutual support thing where Pinkie Pie unburdens an overly stressed Rarity, and Rarity helps Pinkie Pie learn to enjoy an entirely different and more sophisticated kind of partying? Now that I think about it, there is a pretty damned solid basis for a romance there. It has that "I need you/you complete me" thing to it.
I don't know if you go for fan stories or not, but in that particular creative medium RariLight has
Oh yeaaah I know, RariLight fics, by Monochromatic especially, aren't too unpopular on fiction sites, + earthsong9405 draws shit ton of AUs where RariLight is most likely to be canon there. She's popular afterall and the more people see her work, the more they fall for this ship. Yes Rarity and Twi might not have interacted too much in the show, but if popular artists like earthsong and fanfic writers like Mono produce RariLight content, more people notice it and start doing content as well. But apparently since the characters haven't interacted too much means people don't notice it at all shrug Unfortunately for me, I'm not that type of person who reads fanfics (but yeah I can give it a try), and I'm not into AUs at all. I just wanted earthsong to draw more casual RariLight art, like RariJack, FlutterDash and etc have, rather than AUs; as for Mono - she does her stuff, but I'm just not really into fics. Though I got some fictions submissions for my RariLight event, and I might give them a read sometime, just not now.
Don't really know, honestly, but I'd most likely go with mutual support I guess? I just like to think Pinkie in general is supportive about her close people ponies and their interests (just remembered that episode where Fluttershy becomes assertive and insults both Ponkster and Rar, haven't watched the show in ages can't even remember names for episodes jeez), and she knows that Rarity's trip to becoming famous in world of fashion isn't such an easy task. Well, I'm pretty sure others from mane six crew can understand that as well and support Rarity, but Pinkie understands that better than for example AJ, who can be "eh" about Rarity's obsession with fashion and dresses at times and think there's no need for all this fancy stuff. Same might go with RD. Tho I barely remember anything from the show and I didn't watch it after 9th episode of 5th season so I might be missing some stuff, but that's just my personal opinion and view on RariPie.
Oh yeaaah I know, RariLight fics, by Monochromatic especially, aren't too unpopular on fiction sites
I never got into fan stories either up until about the time you managed to get off Mr. Bones' Wild Ride. The characters were still interesting, and there was so much more that could be done with the world. Unfortunately, the canon universe had spiraled into a mash-up of nonsense by then, so the show hardly felt different than fan AUs. The vast majority of the fan stuff is worse than the new canon, but every now and again something worthy of wasting time on appears. Speaking of which, was "The Perfect Gentlemare" done for your RariPie event? The timing and subject were too perfect to be coincidental.
By the way, the episode you were thinking of was "Putting Your Hoof Done." I remember it, because it was my favorite episode that featured Fluttershy. Iron Will was a blast.
Fashion does seem like a thing that Pinkie Pie could appreciate given how social it is by nature, and Rarity has always been complimentary of Pinkie Pie's "delightful soireés." One of these decades I am going to have to buy a scanner so I can contribute to events like yours. I haven't drawn anything since the nineties, but it would be fun to get back into it. It was a damn sight faster than writing is. Oo, I bet the thrift store will have a scanner in the electronics bin.
I never got into fan stories either up until about the time you managed to get off Mr. Bones' Wild R
Yes, "The Perfect Gentlemare" was written specifically for my event. It was a super lovely fic. Speaking of submissions, I should read all fics submitted for RariLight event, I just got quite a bunch of fics at once. I mean, people write fics for my events and I don't read it? Disrespectful of me, too much.
Thanks for reminding and yeah, Iron Will was quite an interesting character there.
Since nineties? Wow, that's been actually a lot. I'd be pleased to see anything coming from anyone in any shape or form. Also, why not take a picture of a drawing? Or scanner is better in terms of quality?
Yes, "The Perfect Gentlemare" was written specifically for my event. It was a super lovely fic. Spea
I do not blame you for not keeping up with fan stories. The ones that are worth reading are almost always time-consuming unless they are just little comedy pieces. There are several of those, for example I remember one about Applejack, Rarity, and Twilight eating together at an outdoor restaurant and discussing what it is like to have siblings while the Cutie Mark Crusaders play in a nearby mud puddle. It had me rolling.
I suppose that I could just take a picture of a drawing. Hm.
I do not blame you for not keeping up with fan stories. The ones that are worth reading are almost