You can't just draw a canine face with long ears and call it a kangaroo! It's a sin many artists commit, and for the longest time, I've been one of them. Sadly, my experiments often fell short and made them look like everything from mice to deer. Finally, I decided to sit down, do some actual research on the nuances of their head structure, get some tips from other artists, and do something about it!
A punkish kangaroo character (no doubt inspired by Tank Girl's Booga) has been the subject of several off-hand pieces of mine over the years, and he's the perfect specimen to put what I've learned to the test. A huge improvement, I say. I wanna smooch that muzzle.
6 years, 7 months ago
18 May 2018 23:02 CEST
Initial: d9089875334cede9902344d0f1d6e38b
Full Size: d9089875334cede9902344d0f1d6e38b
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