Character Sheet for Quacey Angel De la Luna the False Wings
Much like his Twin brother, he is twisted and loves to pull pranks on everything, he is the prince of pranks, however he isn't as cruel as his twin, for he has created cures and anti spells to counter act his brother's pranks and spells and such. he understands the family's need kep up with certain standards cause of their nobility class. he tends to be the one that calms Deamon, and helps him have some kind of control over his actions.
He is known as the False wings cause of his second name Angel, cause he isnt one rarely. He is super close to his twin to the point where they don't function well without each other, even in battle. Something he trying to learn to do. He currently is sharing a girl with his twin, something he doesnt like but does cause he loves his brother.
likes his twin, sun, pranks, fun, and mushrooms
dislikes, kiwis, sharing.
the 13th son of Mari De la Luna and Garrett the Wandering One
his twin is Daemon
23 other brothers and two sisters
currently sharing a girl with his twin
Elizaqwa is the world where magic is used, and everyone born with elemental powers (earth, fire, water, air) one usually stronger than the other depending on the day you are born. the lands are divided into "countries" The moon lands where is a bit more wild, the sun lands that are more advance and the Nolands in between them.