Six stars represent the Mane Six and their elements, plus a quite from Twilight herself from when the elements were first introduced. The card's info says:
The Elements of Harmony
Normal Trap
During the Battle Phase, if your opponent controls "My Little Pony Nightmare Moon": Add 1 "My Little Pony Knowledgeable Twilight Sparkle" from your Deck to your hand. Then, apply this effect if these monsters are in your hand: "My Little Pony Glamorous Rarity", "My Little Pony Hard-Working Applejack", "My Little Pony Caring Fluttershy", "My Little Pony Brave Rainbow Dash" and "My Little Pony Energetic Pinkie Pie".
- Banish all "My Little Pony Nightmare Moon" on the field, and if you do, Special Summon 1 "My Little Pony Princess Luna" for each "My Little Pony Nightmare Moon" banished by this effect to the same side of the field they were banished from, and if you do that, end the Battle Phase.
Rainbow Rare
6 years, 9 months ago
11 May 2018 18:15 CEST
Initial: 498551a2a7cf573136d3a964105b22e5
Full Size: d2735266dc9407e289087bec1d38861e
Large: 51288c628a2890d4cbbbc9dddfde83b1
Small: c15684c63b3bc1b2f03de24e42705ea7
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