"Well, its not been a day in this place, and after lunch, I left once more, making note that one of the garden's sprinklers was busted again. As much as I'm free to warp and twist the grounds of my home, even the manor itself as I see fit to desire, I don't like the idea of just 'magically' erasing a simple problem; that would be just plain lazy of me, and I have enough problems with that as it is.
I'd have bought the parts I needed to have Poppy or Misty make the repairs if I just plain couldn't stand these... PEOPLE. I suppose I'd have to wait for the next world, then.
So imagine my surprise when I returned for dinner, and saw the sprinkler had been replaced. Not with another one, no; it was a T-Joint water valve attached to the head of a watering can now; someone had taken my busted old watering can and an electrical pipe and jury rigged a new sprinkler head! I don't impress easy, but THIS; this was impressive. When I stepped inside, I saw the reason why was Poppy had yet another new maid for me.
If she could do that for the sprinkler in the garden, I wonder what else she can do with a toolbox?"
Rocky has been claimed by Poppy to fill a gap in the staff; she might still dislike water, but she can take it if Master or another maid is with her. And don't worry about her old hat; she'll find a use for it. Maybe she can clean out the junk closet...