While ago, I volunteered Etheras to be in Rook & Pandy's "Tournament of Champions" event. I think it came out very well, honestly! But no - this isn't a real game. And no - there's nothing canonical about this.
Eth is looking very fetching in that outfit though. <.<
----- Artwork by :iconTheBlackRook: and :iconLavenderPandy: Etheras the Fennec (c) www.etheras.com All other characters (c) their respective owners!
----- Repost Authorization Rating: RESTRICTED (please do not repost. I've had a recent upsurge in character and art theft, which I'm trying to address. Thanks!) Also - probably would need to get signed-off-on by Rook and Pandy anyway. Dunno what that means? Be sure to read this: http://www.sofurry.com/view/365517 ... before reposting.