A turntable render of a Scene i've been working on :3 This is, what feels like, my five-hundreth rework of my Kemmy character. And yes, i am just an awful poser, my Guitar playing days are actully behind me for quite some time now! ;)
With the awesome help of Necroboy i was able to render this *drumroll* OVERNIGHT! That's right, with the substatial hardware upgrade i got from Lusfoxx, and the additional power i got from Necroboys monster of a PC i was able to cut down on rendertime by.... indefinatly actually, because this scene would have been impossible to render at all on my old PC. But a Scene like this, in this resolution and aproximate fur detail and texture size would have rendered for at least a week, most likely longer. Amazing! <3 ^^
I've made this scene to showcase how far i've come over the last couple of months and how much i've learned. But i'd be lying if i'd told you that the improvement you can hopefully see soley comes from myself. Only with Lusfoxxes generous donation of this PC making scenes in this detail level even possible (as well as of course heavily improved working on games!). And substance painter was my first investment i made with my Patreon money. Really, i can't tell you how much of a difference that is! And that's why i started to update my watermarks to point to my Patreon instead of my Gallery and start pushing the entire thing a bit more :) - there are a lot of software suits, online courses and hardware upgrades out there i've got my eyes on for a while now, but seemed out of reach until recently
If you want to join the club, for now i already got a 1$ Tier where you can get Animations in higher resolution and without the Watermark of course :)
the I do plan on creating another Patreon gear soon for 5$ where i share some of my Assets, starting with that particular guitar i've pulled from a years old project and given some more love with substance painter
*Kisses the water cooled GTX 1080 this was rendered upon* ahhh.. now.. just need to SLI another one in there, and Kemmy can start making renderings of two foxes getting it on.. and have it finish in a single night! WOOF!
*Kisses the water cooled GTX 1080 this was rendered upon* ahhh.. now.. just need to SLI another one
Not argue. Anyone can make what he want, but that is my opinion. I am a consultant and say my opinion to my Customer. What he buy at the end is not my Problem. *hug*
If Kemonokun need something he can ask me, atm he have a 1050 TI, but if he need more power in the Future, he became more power, thats my way to support him ^^
Not argue. Anyone can make what he want, but that is my opinion. I am a consultant and say my opinio
I love how 90% of the furry community are techies! :P I'm a Tier 3 engineer on the day job, been building customer rigs for... 20 years now! Wow, that is a long time. Started back in the day when you decided how much video memory you wanted by actually pressing 1 MB memory chips into video cards. Back in the day when 56k modems cost $150 bucks. I've always wanted to have SLI, yeah I know that video game makers and such have never really taken advantage of it like they could have, but I still think SLI is neat.
Back in the day.. I remember being an admin over 4 gaming rigs at the place I worked.. when Voodoo2s came out.. the FIRST to do SLI. Put them in the PCI slots, have one VGA cable go into the other card, then into your monitor.. and how BAD ASS it was to play games like Quake on it. Hehe, good times.
Ahh.. memories! *Tail wags* I think we're all pretty eager to help out Kemonokun in any way we can. I'm really excited about his upcoming game too! Can't wait to be able to demo it! Anyhow, hehe, take it easy Luskfoxx.. *scritches your cheek softly and smiles.*
I love how 90% of the furry community are techies! :P I'm a Tier 3 engineer on the day job, been bui
I make this over 15 Years and my bussiness is 5 Years, and yes, Voodoo 2 was very very great. AMD vs. Intel War, Nvidea vs ATI, Windows vs. Linux, many is now actually. I know 56k modems or later the ISDN (finally Internet and Telephone on the same Time). You know what I will say?
See, i have give Kemonokun an Ryzen CPU. Why? The Ryzen is in Gaming a little bit slower as the Intel, but in rendering, workstation and so things much more efficient. do not take that as criticism, but I know what I'm talking about. My English is not the Best, but just because someone has been doing the job for a long time is not a genius and I'm sure we both can learning new Things ;-)
hehe, braggart :p I make this over 15 Years and my bussiness is 5 Years, and yes, Voodoo 2 was very
*Smiles and shrugs* Yeah, your English doesn't need to be that good when you're a sexy fox! Which you are! *Nuzzles and licks* But yes, Kemonokun needs help for sure so he can continue to make awesome games for us. I agree also there is always new things to learn. Learning is good, it's what makes us furs better than humans! :P
*Smiles and shrugs* Yeah, your English doesn't need to be that good when you're a sexy fox! Which yo
hehe, thanks. Maybe you can show me your Character, so I can have a look. You know, foxes are really curious. *hug* :)
And if he needs an Upgrade, he just has to lift his paw. But this Time i think its enough. If he startet a Project like "Shades of Elysium" or so, than he needs definitely more power. For this Case of emergency, I have an old GTX 1080 from Gigabyte. Watercooled and Overclocked. ^^
hehe, thanks. Maybe you can show me your Character, so I can have a look. You know, foxes are really