I'm the son of Scooby Oyama Wild and Bigtime. My name is Segal Beagle and if you fuck with me or my brothers I promise you wont live to regret it. I'm leader of our little team known as The Beagle Wilds, We work pretty great together Bow Wow's brains come in handy helping us get past things and our youngest brother Ziggy is a tank him being a dinosaur in stuff.
Even tho I'm 14 I'm the strongest one in our group. And have one big dream and that's to make The Beagle Boys the dominate ones of Island World and The Multiverse. Right now me and my brother steal important tech for our Flagship The Spitfire once The Beagle Boys Flagship is ready all the Forces of the of Island World will fall to us.
And as for my father Scooby Oyama I'm going to take great pleasure and destroying him.