I know I'm a hyper-political, loudmouthed, moaning twat. I express myself forcefully and I don't blame people for feeling provoked by it. One thing I'll never do, however, is attack individual people, lie about them, smear them, try to ostracize them, simply because they have a point of view with which I disagree. No matter how much I find their opinions revolting. Freedom of speech isn't simply a legal matter, a state matter, it is a fundamental social principle. In the years I've been in this fandom I've slowly seen it degenerate, getting worse year on year, with people finding they feel progressively less confident to express themselves. The furry fandom has always been a place full of misfits, with mental illness, social awkwardness, general weirdness and sexual absurdities. I would have thought that a community such as this would not be capable of forgetting what it is like to be on the receiving end of bigotry and ostracism. How sad, how tragic it is to find that our community is so infested with judgement, judgement so vehement and vicious that mobs of people gather with genuine hatred and malice to see other furs ruined. I've been on the receiving end of it and so have thousands of you. It has to stop. It should never be socially acceptable to do this, anybody seen trying to ruin others, smear them, lie about them, fuck their reputations, screw their employment should not be winning friends for it. There is no moral excuse for it. It seems to me that people are behaving as if the acceptability of evil is directly proportional to how big the bandwagon is.
Basically all of us know what it feels like to suffer socially, to be bullied and pushed around. Is it really a moral good to do it yourself? I mean sure, words have social consequences, but surely the most severe social consequences should be reserved for the times people actually do something genuinely awful? When people are getting the same level of "consequences" for expressing an opinion as people do for actually committing crimes and harming people, something has gone very wrong indeed. I hate to see the fandom like this. Think of all the decades of work put into it, the endless quantity of art and creativity, the conventions, the communities, the love, passion, sweat and tears put into it. People have built livelihoods in this fandom, the friendships built in it are impossible to quantify. Are we really going to let hatred of opposing political views consume the fucking lot?
I say no. I say trying to screw over individual furs for their opinions is something wicked, twisted, vindictive and wrong. I say doing it should make YOU the one who suffers socially. Not because of what you think but because of what you do, try to wield power over someone else and bully them, knowing that others are doing it too, knowing there is safety in numbers and that you are empowered to do whatever the hell you want, free from consequences. Well there bloody well should be some. No matter how much of a twat I can be in the way I express my opinions, I will never do nor condone this bullying bullshit. None of us should. It is destroying everything and it has to stop.
6 years, 9 months ago
09 Apr 2018 21:58 CEST
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