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I know I'm a hyper-political, loudmouthed, moaning twat. I express myself forcefully and I don't blame people for feeling provoked by it. One thing I'll never do, however, is attack individual people, lie about them, smear them, try to ostracize them, simply because they have a point of view with which I disagree. No matter how much I find their opinions revolting. Freedom of speech isn't simply a legal matter, a state matter, it is a fundamental social principle. In the years I've been in this fandom I've slowly seen it degenerate, getting worse year on year, with people finding they feel progressively less confident to express themselves. The furry fandom has always been a place full of misfits, with mental illness, social awkwardness, general weirdness and sexual absurdities. I would have thought that a community such as this would not be capable of forgetting what it is like to be on the receiving end of bigotry and ostracism. How sad, how tragic it is to find that our community is so infested with judgement, judgement so vehement and vicious that mobs of people gather with genuine hatred and malice to see other furs ruined. I've been on the receiving end of it and so have thousands of you. It has to stop. It should never be socially acceptable to do this, anybody seen trying to ruin others, smear them, lie about them, fuck their reputations, screw their employment should not be winning friends for it. There is no moral excuse for it. It seems to me that people are behaving as if the acceptability of evil is directly proportional to how big the bandwagon is.

Basically all of us know what it feels like to suffer socially, to be bullied and pushed around. Is it really a moral good to do it yourself? I mean sure, words have social consequences, but surely the most severe social consequences should be reserved for the times people actually do something genuinely awful? When people are getting the same level of "consequences" for expressing an opinion as people do for actually committing crimes and harming people, something has gone very wrong indeed. I hate to see the fandom like this. Think of all the decades of work put into it, the endless quantity of art and creativity, the conventions, the communities, the love, passion, sweat and tears put into it. People have built livelihoods in this fandom, the friendships built in it are impossible to quantify. Are we really going to let hatred of opposing political views consume the fucking lot?

I say no. I say trying to screw over individual furs for their opinions is something wicked, twisted, vindictive and wrong. I say doing it should make YOU the one who suffers socially. Not because of what you think but because of what you do, try to wield power over someone else and bully them, knowing that others are doing it too, knowing there is safety in numbers and that you are empowered to do whatever the hell you want, free from consequences. Well there bloody well should be some. No matter how much of a twat I can be in the way I express my opinions, I will never do nor condone this bullying bullshit. None of us should. It is destroying everything and it has to stop.

male 1,187,238, furry 118,446, raccoon 36,433, fandom 2,864, bullying 1,848, community 95, mobs 7
Type: Picture/Pinup
Published: 6 years, 9 months ago
Rating: General

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6 years, 9 months ago
those assholes have destroyed my life.
6 years, 9 months ago
*slow claps* I don't have much to say besides agreeing with you.
6 years, 9 months ago
I must say, I am one of those individuals who typically disagrees with the majority of your political opinions. But you're right, on this we can agree. Ideas need to be opposed with other ideas, through discourse and debate, not by tearing down the speaker simply because they disagree with you. I do think more people need to understand this message, and I'm glad you're putting it out there.
6 years, 9 months ago
Aye, politics is division by definition, there is certainly nothing wrong with disagreement, it isn't even negative, but rather essential. I've never voiced my opinion expecting some sort of consensus, expecting there wont be heated arguments and all the rest. But yeah, this smearing bullshit? Nobody benefits from that.
6 years, 9 months ago
I think inkbunny agrees, as a company. I think they realize that politics are one thing and full on hate is another thing; even if they hate both. Thats why alot of people got muted and banned but people like you stay alive n well
6 years, 9 months ago
but cats are assholes :( and I love cat but they're not compatible with the bi-polar political paradigm and they puke on my rug but puke is like diarrhea, in that it's funny unless it happens to you. hey, did you know that avocados make you poop, like a lot?  
6 years, 9 months ago
That's why I don't deal with politics at all. I got tired of dealing with the asshats all the time.
6 years, 9 months ago
Politics aside I love the expression on this one :)
6 years, 9 months ago
This This so much THIS!  I may not agree with the opinions of certain people I certainly will not go out of my way to destroy their life piece by piece. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and as long as they are not physically going out and hurting someone then there's no problem. If you don't like the opinions someone has then either ignore them or debate with them and try to change their mind (or maybe they may even give you new information that ultimately leads you to change your mind).

I agree that i've seen this fandom (well on social media anyway, never really encountered it at cons) slowly descend into madness with the slow rise of callout culture. Every other week there seems to be another online witch hunt all because someone said the wrong thing, made a joke that no one laughed at or liked a picture someone posted who unbeknownst to them was this months "worst person than Hitler".

This whole business of destroying a persons life just because they said something you find mildly offensive really does need to stop. But sadly i guarantee those who regularly participate in this kind of disgusting activity wont realize why it's wrong until they're the ones on the receiving end of these horrible attacks (i guarantee somewhere down the line they will slip up and become the next "target"); but by then it will be too late to do anything about it.
6 years, 9 months ago
BINGO! Nice to know I'm not the only one to be honest about it.
And it's sad because the original openness and acceptance was what drew me to the community the most.
6 years, 9 months ago
Same here.The openness and accepting nature of the community was what attracted me to it. Though like I said this toxic culture in the fandom seems to be more prevalent on twitter than anywhere else. I've very rarely encountered this sort of behavior offline at conventions and furry gatherings. And on the rare occasion where people did try and character assassinate someone for having a different opinion they were quickly shunned by the majority of the group.

I've noticed that furries these days seem to be more comfortable talking about hot topics in person than they are online. I've been to a few furry events where people have discussed the kind of topics and opinions that Roareys brought up before and it never once descended into the absolute shitshow it did on twitter. People just had friendly debates and if someone didn't agree they put forward their own views in a civil manner and it just went from there, not once did anyone attempt to grab the nearest blunt instrument and smash someones skull to a bloody pulp.

In fact this isn't just furries it's people in general. I've met several people outside of the fandom who've said they don't use social media because of the sheer number of "easily offended special snowflakes".

It's funny. When I first got into the fandom I began to reject offline relationships in favor of online ones just due to the fact that I felt more comfortable talking to and being open to a stranger on the internet. But in recent times i've found myself favoring offline relationships more than online ones. I'm far more comfortable talking to furries in person these days than I am online and i'm far more willing to be open about my general opinions to furries at events offline than I am on twitter.
6 years, 9 months ago
Yeah, the dual edge of online anonymity...
I admit personally not having experienced any blown out reactions as you've mentioned in general, but I have seen close to it in passing (and thankfully kept walking). Probably comes with living in a city like San Francisco, all emotions and entitlement for the biggest part.

Would love to go to a furry convention just once though..

Otherwise I can't add much else, all you've listed has been similar or the same as what I've seen online.
6 years, 9 months ago
That's how I roll. I could care less about your race, gender, sexuality, preferred pronouns, or any of that! Just don't be an asshole, and you're okay in my book.
6 years, 9 months ago
That's a brilliant rule that I wish more people lived by.
6 years, 9 months ago
This is agreeable, tbf. It's honestly obvious.
Just reading from the artwork, not the description yet.

The problem is, people don't smear you because they don't know their assholes. They smear you because they ARE assholes and know it. Basically, the thing is. They don't care what you think of them because to them, you're the lowest of the scum and it makes them feel better if you hate them.

The rub is that a good bulk do it because their entertained by taking down and systematically ruining the life of a person they deem lesser then them. In short . . . the world isn't fair.

If anything, it's not just to agree their assholes, it's to agree that as technology evolves and the more eyes can be on you the more hate will be incurred upon you and the tougher it'll be to handle it. The world isn't fair.

People make careers out of this, surprisingly enough. You're probably the greatest source of income to some dickhead.

Edit: I think about the fact of people like Chris-Chan who are reprehensible and that some people have told themselves that they target him because he's that bad of a person. The reality is, it's entertaining to get a rise from him and see how he reacts to it. That's the issue that I get bothered by. It's okay to have reasons to dislike a person, but some people take it too far because that's their entertainment.
6 years, 9 months ago
Well the thing is, I believe these people do care what others think of them. Precisely because they only do what they do when it is socially safe to do so, they attempt to increase their own reputation and social standing by denigrating someone elses, but only when they see others doing it too. This is a game that is only being played with loaded dice, because ultimately they don't want to be social pariahs, they want other people to be. Considering that the fandom has not always been this way, it can be pushed back again and the way for that to happen is to make it socially uncool to be a slanderous asswipe.
6 years, 9 months ago
6 years, 9 months ago
I dont mind debates or arguments, even heated ones. But I absolutely refuse to engage with anyone who resorts to petty personal attacks. Ill tell them this in case they want to apologize and go back to talking.

One time, it actually worked. Most of the time it just got more insults, and they got blocked.
6 years, 9 months ago
The thing is, it's always easy to hide assholery with a cute 'sona :3

I've found this irl but I think the people in my country automatically views cuteness with assholery

well, who can blame them, really.

Helps them debunk and avoid mind games with ease c:
6 years, 9 months ago
You've called me a murderer and stupid multiple times, Roary. You seem to hold conflicting contradictory views.

You'll post something saying one thing and then claim you meant something entirely different. You use words and mean something different by them.

You can't say you will never attack people while attacking them. You can't say separating people into groups is evil while doing it yourself. You can't say you support freedom of speech when you actively bully and discourage people from expressing dissenting views on your work. You reject any information that disagrees or conflicts with your views and either massively attack or ignore people that disagree with you; either calling them stupid, a murderer, or lumping them in with other people or using some such strawman against them.

You can't play the hero when you have done nothing heroic but hide yourself in the fact that your watcher base has similar political views.

Freedom is merely privilege extended unless enjoyed by everyone. Its funny how you'd call me a murderer and a supporter of authoritarianism and accuse me of double speak (all based on your fantasy of what the ideology I follow stands for) while double-speaking yourself so horribly.

I'm sure it doesn't help with people's employment or social life when you lie and smear about groups you lump them into and ideologies you make up for them and claim they follow. You probably, being in the 'centre' are not quite aware of just how many followers you can lose or gain based on your political view based on what lies and divisiveness, or as you would call 'tribalism' is kicked up. Most of your little pictures are actively attacking people. This is one of the few that aims for something constructive rather than destructive. And you know what, on its own - I agree with it...but I don't think you do based on what you say and how you act.

If someone is left of you they are a murderer in your eyes no matter what, and nothing changes your mind on that since its been all made up. I don't expect you to respond, and kind of don't want you to. All your responses to me are full of curses, slander, and hatred - even when I try to adopt a more passive tone.
6 years, 9 months ago
I didn't call you a murderer I said the ideology you support results in murder you disingenuous liar. Stupid isn't a smear either. People call me a paedophile, a racist, someone who enjoys seeing murdered kids and you want to bitch at me for saying you're stupid? Get a life. I don't target individual people I don't know and lie about them to ruin their reputations, I take the piss out of ideas, I call out awful behaviour and I argue back with people who speak to me like shit. None of that constitutes any of what I'm denouncing here. Nice try. All my cartoons address general behaviours and ideas, not specific people. Honestly are you lying through your teeth intentionally or are you actually stupid?
6 years, 9 months ago
You did indeed call me a murderer multiple times - and your only defense is to call me even more things. Do you even know what disingenuous means? You keep using it in places where it makes absolutely no sense to.

Your only defense ever is attacking people, like right here. Roary, you might think you are an awesome guy, and I really thought that about you when someone first showed me your page - but your true colors are nothing but hatred and aggression.
6 years, 9 months ago
Why the hell would I call you a murderer when I don't know you? You aren't a murderer and I haven't called you one so stop fucking lying for Christ sake, it's absolutely pathetic. I have contempt for immoral behaviour, I have contempt for ridiculous ideas. You can't handle me being spicy to you after you start shit with me so how do you think it feels to have literally hundreds of people hate your guts over shit that isn't even true? You come to me like you're the injured party, like my cartoons have attacked people, like I represent meanness in general. Well I don't lie, I don't cheat, I don't steal, I don't manipulate, use or screw people over. I don't do anything wrong by stating my opinions in whatever way I choose and you're more concerned with making out what a sack of crap I am than you are with people who make the fandom a worse place by slandering thousands of our fellow furries, targeting them and adding them to Orwellian block lists without a second thought. I think you're petty as fuck and your perspective stinks. So think what you like, I don't give a shit.
6 years, 9 months ago
That is a question for you to answer yourself. You hate being told you are wrong, and you hate being told that you are not the hero you think you are. You bully people who disagree with you, even if they are okay with most of your views. It is 100% or nothing, and your version of honesty involves making up your own reality to paint others with. Paint the world in whatever light you want so you can hate every bit of it.

I haven't been part of the crowd attacking you, and never was. I can honestly and safely say that I've never spread any lies about you behind your back.

I've had people approach me with the prospect, and I know you get a lot of hate - but I redirect those people because at the end of the day - as I've said before - you don't advocate violence and hold views that are pretty damn normal with little exception. Though much like you I can't stand a liar, and you do plenty of that with your misrepresentation of people. If you hate Soviet style communism, the namisms that came out of it, authoritarian socialism, and all that - great. You are not a socialist and hate? Whatever man. The thing that has me up in arms is that you intentionally conflate ideas together, pretending that dividing them up is somehow dishonest, even though I don't see you saying its dishonest to separate capitalism in the same manner as to not conflate people such as yourself with State Capitalist regimes that have caused genocides of their own.

I've never tried to convince you to be a socialist or that capitalism is evil. The only problem I have ever had is you immediately stating that socialism is either for morons or murderers.

I believe in political pluralism, and only really critique internet born ideologies like tumblrism and the alt-right or ideologies that promote dictatorship or authoritarianism. I've constantly and consistently advocated for democratic principles and for multiple views to be taken into consideration. And I've - since my bout online began - advocated for the goal of politics to not be tied to staying power but instead fulfilling a mandate to the people. I try to take people's views into consideration even if I disagree with them and reach compromises, though compromise has slowly become a codeword for full on agreement, and extra polarization doesn't help that.

Yet none of that matters because its easier to call me a Stalinist and quote Solzhenitsyn while calling me a manipulative liar and pretending that no matter what I say I believe what you say I believe takes precedence.

No, you haven't hurt me personally, but I'm sure many out there have suffered some backlash from the fact that your followers take the things you say to heart and spread them. How do you think I found your page, if you even remember when I first stumbled across it?
As for how I feel? Well, when people like you spread misinformation about what people like me believe I think we get to be put on the same page. I'm sure you know the drill; 'you should die', etc, etc. Or do you think it only happens to you?

Also I'm more concerned with you? Clearly you flatter yourself, I think of you when you are mentioned or linked to me. Otherwise I help fight against those people, as I've mentioned many times...though, again - that doesn't matter...none of the journals I've made matter, none of the submissions matter, nothing I say matters because its easier for you to just continue making clusters of slander. The only thing that might possibly cause any ill is if you somehow think that not fighting 'tribalism' - again your word I believe - with 'tribalism' and instead fighting the sort of hyper-polarization that has arisen with something that tries to appeal to the widest number of people with common shared beliefs...well - then I really can't ever not be evil, I suppose.
6 years, 9 months ago
I think you need to get a grip. I've never claimed or seen myself as a hero XP. As for bully, alright, whatever you say, my cartoons bully people because they're offensive and when I react to people talking shit to me with shit of my own, I'm the one bullying them! Look at your essay about me dude, I think you need a hot bath or some shit, because the worst I've ever done to anyone online is have a heated fucking exchange with them. Get a grip.
6 years, 9 months ago
Actually, tell you what, come back to me when I'm on your submissions writing essays about what a giant prick you are and call me a bully then. Then I might take you seriously you unhinged whiner. Then you might realise I'm only nasty in self defense. You might even realise your frustrations stem from the fact you're unequipped to discredit my actual opinions.
6 years, 9 months ago
Except that I've never tried to discredit any opinion except the one that calls half the political spectrum murderers just because. I haven't tried to convince you really to change your views on anything else, except my first every comments on your stuff, and even then I think I mostly agreed with you (I think the first thing I saw was something about children being exposed to sexual subjects or something like that)

Also, I haven't called you a pedophile, I haven't made up any slander against you like calling you a tyrant or murderer or misogynist or any of that. However, you can't seem to get through a single post without calling me something without any basis.

" Then I might take you seriously you unhinged whiner.

" One thing I'll never do, however, is attack individual people, lie about them, smear them, try to ostracize them,

The thing is though, it shouldn't matter if you comment on other people's submissions or not, I don't think that is a prerequisite to having to live up to ideas you claim to follow. You seem to be trying to make me into a front for some perceived smear campaign against you I guess? The only thing I've stated about you is something that is true - you've told me I support murder, tyranny, and am a moron - you have zero idea what I believe. You also call half the political spectrum these things while having no clue what they actually believe.
6 years, 9 months ago
The ideas I claim to follow? Yeah, don't lie about people, don't join a mob to harass people, don't advocate mass block lists. I don't do any of these, so I don't claim to follow what I advocate, I absolutely follow it. Which is why you have to lie and say I call all socialists murderers. I say you follow an ideology that is murderous, because every single place it has ever been tried has fallen to bits and/or committed acts of genocide on its own people. Contrast socialist countries with individualist, capitalist countries, see how many success stories there are of each. You feel the absolute need to fragment yourself off into a different kind of socialism and pretend that it has a chance in hell of ever working, ignorant of the salient, unavoidable fact that western democratic values are a resounding success in practically every way of measuring them and socialist countries, regardless of the culture socialism is built upon, regardless of the intentions at the start, are festering shitholes.

If you want to advocate things that don't work that's your affair, but you DO support nonsense, it IS stupid to do so and it DOES lead to murderous outcomes. There. I don't give a shit if this triggers you but I am not harassing or bullying you. YOU came to ME. Quit crying.

Oh and while on the subject of harassment, you haven't had even a tiny fraction of what I have had to deal with with mate. How do I know? Because I was a socialist who liked anarcho syndicalism for years, for almost the entire duration I've been in this fandom. I have always, from the start, made political cartoons taking the piss out of ideas I dislike and I attacked conservatism and christianity for at least a decade. In all that time I never, once, experienced even a fraction of the mountain of invective, spittle-flecked, raging, lying bullshit I've been subjected to ever since I stopped being a leftist. You have it EASY in this fandom you little bullshitter, so piss off. And take the horseshit you can't argue for with you.
6 years, 9 months ago
As for you saying I don't even know what you believe, if it's really true you haven't even put your cards on the table for me to argue against then FUCK OFF. Tossers like you always hide your shitty ideas away so people can't show them up for the absolute crap that they are.
6 years, 9 months ago
When all they can do is fling silly character attacks, you know you're doing something right ;)
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